If you almost did a handstand, don't worry, even Brent Fikowski, runner-up at the 2017 CrossFit Games, struggled to learn this technique.
“I was never a gymnast and when I started CrossFit, I had no chance of walking on my hands,” he says. “Since then, after a few years of training and more than a few epic failures, I have managed to win events at the CrossFit Games and regional level that have included handstands.”
It will take some strength, flexibility, and hard work, but these 4 workouts will help you master one of the most important gymnastics moves in CrossFit.
3 rounds of
30m walking lunges + kettlebell overhead
6 narrow grip overhead squats + walking lunges
25 m Bear walk
20 shoulder touch - feet elevated
30 - 60 sec handstand hold against a wall
10 handstand holds + shoulder touches
3 rounds of
Hollow hold
Wall-facing + shoulder touch
Crow holdstart
3 rounds of
1' min bar hang
20 hollow rocks
5 wall walks