Make your heart an unstoppable machine and become a better athlete
Endurance WODs in your Crossfit training are an essential way to build mental toughness, anaerobic capacity, and the ability to keep going even when the going gets tough. Long, slow conditioning work like running, biking, and swimming will build cardiovascular capacity, but it's not the only way to improve your endurance.
Rich Froning hates running. And he hasn't been so bad during his last participations (first 6 places at the CrossFit Games, and counting!). If you can improve your cardio performance, it's because the heart is a muscle, and like all other muscles in the body, if you keep working it, it will adapt to the workload.
1. HOP SCOTCH (aerobic threshold test)
Workout details:
All your attention is on the 100m sprints. This workout features a total of 9 of these 100m sprints. Focus on your form. Your intensity should not be 100% of maximum effort. Lower the intensity (97-98%) to maintain your form.
200m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
400m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
600m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
800m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
1000m run at an easy pace
100m sprint
800m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
600m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
400m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
200m run at a brisk pace
100m sprint
Total: 5900m
- 10min Amrap
- 50m Swimming (pool or outdoor)
- 5 Burpees
- 20-Minute AMRAP
- 200m sprint
- 8 Barbell Thrusters
- 10 toes to bar
- 8 rounds For Time
- 500m Row
- 1 minute rest between sets
- 5 RFTs
- 5 Muscle Ups
- 10 push-ups
- 25m Swimming