5 séances de vélo elliptique débutants pour perdre du poids | Charlie Tango Fitness

5 beginner elliptical workouts to lose weight

Lose weight with cross training

Elliptical training is very popular for its benefits on your body: it is a complete workout that tones the different muscles of your arms, legs, thighs and buttocks while allowing you to burn a maximum of calories and lose weight. How to use cross-training correctly and effectively? Discover all our tips and advice to train effectively, have the right position on your elliptical and get the most out of your exercise.

You will also find 5 free cardio workouts for beginners and advanced to lose weight and gain muscle! Find a reliable model to buy the right elliptical trainer as a beginner.

1) The correct position on the elliptical bike

Back position. Make sure your back is straight and you are looking straight ahead. Do not look down at your feet during training, as this will cause your back to round. Do not slouch and keep your shoulders high during training to avoid neck pain.

Place your hands on the handles. Place your hands on the heart rate sensor handles (no need to squeeze them). Do not place your hands too low, this could cause you to lean forward, which is not good for your back.

Arm position and movement. When you use the outer handlebars (the ones that move), you also work the muscles in your upper body and arms by accompanying the movement of your legs (see the section on the benefits of the elliptical trainer below) while your legs and buttocks work the most when your hands hold the handlebars still in the center (and your arms therefore remain still).

Foot position. Keep your feet flat on the pedals. Push the pedals down with your heel so you don't strain the front of your ankle and avoid injury, then lift your heel as the pedals rise. It sounds complicated, but it's actually almost second nature when you're working out on your elliptical!

Leg movement. Leg movement should be fluid and, as the name of the cardio machine suggests, "elliptical", that is, form an ellipse (or a flattened circle). The legs should therefore move forward and down at the same time, then back up slightly, and then repeat the cycle. It is not simply a flat linear or back and forth movement. It takes some getting used to at first, but then it comes naturally.

How to lose weight on an elliptical trainer? - Annecy 2018

2) The advantages of the elliptical bike

It is recommended to exercise 2 to 3 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes in order to really see the effects and benefits of the elliptical on the body! The WHO recommends doing at least 1 hour and 15 minutes of intensive sport per week (this is a minimum!).

a) Cross-training to gain muscle!

The elliptical trainer has the advantage of working the whole body, especially the legs, thighs and buttocks as well as the arms, abs and back muscles. It is important to know that you will develop your muscular strength during high resistance exercises. When the resistance is low but your training is relatively long, you mainly improve your endurance. To increase your muscles, you must increase the resistance of your crosstrainer, for example during interval training! Basically, no pain, no gain ;).

- The muscles of the lower body (in red on the diagram) are constantly working, namely the glutes (buttocks), the hamstrings (just below the buttocks), the quadriceps (on the front of the thighs) and the calves (at the back of the thighs).

- The upper body muscles (in yellow on the diagram) that work when your arms are moving (hands on the handlebars in motion) are: the biceps and back muscles when you pull the handles, the triceps and pectorals when you push the handles, the abs and pectorals that you use for balance.

- If you want to target the glutes and thighs, take your hands off the movable bars and place them on the bars in the center (on the non-movable handles). If you also increase the resistance, this is great for the thighs and glutes (you'll feel it too!).

- When you pedal backwards (reverse), you also work all these muscles but in a different way and tone your abs and glutes. When you pedal backwards without holding the handlebars, your abs and back muscles work harder to keep your balance.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW : For those who want to refine their silhouette and tone the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs, do not worry: your thighs or legs will not double in volume! The elliptical bike is not a bodybuilding machine but a cardio machine! It will allow you to lose fat and tone your legs, thighs and buttocks. In addition, the results appear gradually, not all at once. So you have to persevere to see the results ;).

Our advice. Vary to spice up your workout! A little forward pedaling, then a few minutes of pedaling with your hands on the handlebars in the center, then a little backward pedaling, etc. (see below for cardio training programs with practical exercises).

WARNING: If you have knee problems, the elliptical trainer may in some cases be contraindicated. In this case, ask your doctor or physiotherapist!

b) Cross-training for weight loss!

How many calories are burned on the elliptical trainer? The number of calories burned depends mainly on the intensity of your exercise and therefore on the power you provide which itself depends on your speed and the resistance of your elliptical trainer. If you go very slowly with a low resistance, you will burn much fewer calories than if you go quickly with a high resistance. The calories we give here are therefore an indication.

Physical activity (1 hour) Calories burned
Walk (5km/h) 207 kcal
Elliptical training, moderate 450 kcal
Elliptical training , intense 650 kcal
Elliptical training , very intense

830 kcal

To lose one kilo, you need to train 3 times a week on the elliptical machine intensively for one hour, or about 13 hours per month on the elliptical machine (650 x 13 = 8450 kcal). 30 minutes of cross-trainer 3 times a week helps you lose 0.5 kg per month.

In general, the more intense the exercise, the more calories you burn. However, the more intense the workout, the harder it is to train for long. Our advice: alternate between medium-intensity cardio exercises 1 to 2 times a week for 45 min to 1 hour with interval training (HIIT, see below) for 30 min once a week (or 2 times a week for the most motivated).

Lose 1 kg per month. 1 hour of training on the elliptical trainer 3 times a week can help you lose 1 kg per month. If you want to lose weight with the elliptical trainer, you have to be persistent to get results and it is better to do 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week for several weeks rather than 2 hours on the first day and stop after the second workout!

c) The elliptical for rehabilitation

The elliptical is a relatively gentle sport, without shocks or jolts, which in many cases makes it a cardio machine suitable for rehabilitation, but you should discuss it with your doctor or physical therapist in this case.

3) Our 5 elliptical cross-trainer workouts!


Duration : 35 min

Difficulty: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Calories burned: 230 kcal

Time (min) Resistance SPM Comments
00:00-3:00 3 130 warm-up
3:00-5:00 5 130 warm-up
5:00-10:00 5 140 Sprint
10:00-15:00 7 140 recovery
15:00-20:00 7 140 normal
20:00-22:30 7 140 with hands - push
22:30-25:00 5 130 with hands - pull
25:00-30:00 5 140 speed - no hands
30:00-35:00 3 130 return to calm

* Speed ​​corresponds to your stride (in SPM = strides per minute).


Time : 30 min

Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Calories burned: 300 kcal

Time (min) Resistance SPM Comments
00:00-3:00 3 130 warm-up
3:00-5:00 3 150 warm-up
5:00-7:00 5 150 Without hands
7:00-9:00 7 170 with hands - pull
9:00-11:00 5 150 without hands
11:00-13:00 9 170 with hands - Push
13:00-15:00 5 140 without hands
15:00-16:00 7 200 Sprint
16:00-18:00 7 130 normal
18:00-19:00 7 150 normal- no hands
19:00-21:00 9 170 with hands - Push
21:00-23:00 5 130 without hands
23:00-24:00 7 200 Sprint
24:00-26:00 5 130 normal
26:00-27:00 3 120 rest
27:00-29:00 3 120 normal
29:00-30:00 3 110 return to calm

* The speed corresponds to your stride (in SPM = strides per minute).

If you find the workout routine too easy or too difficult, adjust the speed and resistance values ​​(for example, change all resistances by 2 units or the speed by 20 units).


In this high-intensity interval training (HIIT), you will alternate between high-resistance phases and recovery phases. This HIIT elliptical workout is perfect for burning maximum calories while toning your legs, thighs and glutes!

Time : 30 min

Difficulties: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Calories burned: 300 kcal

Time (min) Resistance SPM Comments
00:00-3:00 3 130 warm-up
3:00-5:00 5 130
5:00-10:00 9 140
keep up the pace
10:00-12:00 11 140
keep up the pace
12:00-15:00 7 140
keep up the pace
15:00-17:00 11 130 normal
17:00-19:00 7 140 normal
19:00-20:00 7 140 ahead
20:00-23:00 11 140 keep up the pace
23:00-25:00 9 140 one more effort!
25:00-28:00 5 130 rest
28:00-30:00 3 130 rest

* Speed ​​corresponds to your stride (in SPM = strides per minute).


Here's a HIIT workout that will help you burn a maximum number of calories in a minimum amount of time! HIIT is a type of cardio workout that alternates between very intense exercise phases (high-intensity intervals) and recovery phases (low-intensity intervals).

Duration: 20 min

Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Calories burned: 250 kcal

Time (min) Resistance SPM Comments
00:00-3:00 5 140 warm-up
3:00-5:00 5 150 warm-up
5:00-7:00 8 150 increase speed
7:00-8:00 10 190 Sprint
8:00-10:00 6 150 rest
10:00-12:00 10 190 Sprint
12:00-14:00 8 150 rest
14:00-15:00 10 190 Sprint
15:00-17:00 7 150 rest
17:00-18:00 8 190 Sprint
18:00-20:00 5 140 rest

* Speed ​​corresponds to your stride (in SPM = strides per minute).


HIIT training is very demanding and this one is especially so! This cardio exercise can significantly increase your physical performance (power and speed).

Duration: 35 min

Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Calories burned: 420 kcal

Time (min) Resistance SPM Comments
00:00-3:00 5 130 warm-up
3:00-5:00 5 140 warm-up
5:00-7:00 7 150 without hands
7:00-9:00 9 150 with hands - push
9:00-10:30 7 130 Backward
10:30-11:00 8 170 Sprint
11:00-12:00 7 130 Rest
12:00-12:30 8 180 Sprint
12:30-13:30 7 130 Rest
13:30-14:30 8 180 Sprint
14:30-16:00 5 140 without hands
16:00-17:00 8 180 Sprint
17:00-18:00 6 130 normal
18:00-18:30 8 190 Sprint
18:30-19:00 5 130 Rest
19:00-19:30 8 190 Sprint
19:30-20:00 5 130 Rest
20:00-20:30 8 200 Sprint
20:30-21:00 5 130 Rest
21:00-21:30 8 200 Sprint
21:30-22:00 5 130 Rest
22:00-22:30 8 200 Sprint
22:30-23:00 5 130 Rest
23:00-23:30 8 200 Sprint
23:30-24:00 5 130 Rest
24:00-24:30 7 140 keep up the pace
24:30-25:00 5 130 a little rest
25:00-27:00 7 130 normal
27:00-30:00 5 140
with hands - push
30:00-35:00 5 130 without hands

* The speed corresponds to your stride (in SPM = strides per minute).

WARNING : High-intensity interval training (HIIT) should only be done if you are in very good physical condition because it is very demanding! If you have not played sports or practiced physical activity for a long time, we recommend that you follow a HIIT training program only 2 to 3 months after resuming sport.

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