Unlike hero WODs (DT, Murph) and benchmark workouts (Fran, Helen, Grace), there are no “fixed” partner WODs. Or at least, there aren’t any named after people. Partner WODs, in a way, help reinforce the concept of CrossFit as a community.
Posting incredibly fast times in partner workouts is often due to the complementary abilities of teammates.
A workout with heavy snatching components and lots of box jumping could easily be shared by a weightlifting beast and a whippet.
One partner takes most (or all) of the heavy lifting and the whippet does most of the crate jumping (depending on fitness level).
The versatile aspect of this sport is also reinforced by partner WODs. If the WOD requires all teammates to perform the same number of repetitions, the most versatile team wins (depending on the exercises).
Sometimes coaches create these partner WODs based on reference workouts. So, Fran might be called Partner “Fran” or Team “Fran”. It’s a great way to motivate people and get things moving.
A common question for beginners is “what is a CrossFit Partner WOD? ” More advanced athletes ask for details on common partner WODs.
Others, like trainers and gym owners, are looking for ideas for new workouts to do with a partner.
Here are some workouts that will give beginner and intermediate athletes an idea of what partner training looks like for CrossFit.

#Training with Rich Froning's partner
Rich Froning, one of CrossFit's most famous athletes, created an awesome WOD for two people:
- 1000m bike ride
- 200-yard partner sled push
- 50 strict HSPU
- 200-yard partner sled push
- 1000m bike ride
- 1000m bike ride
- 200-yard partner sled push
- 75 strict HSPU
- 200-yard partner sled push
- 1000m bike ride
- 1000m bike ride
- 200-yard partner sled push
- 100 strict HSPU
- 200-yard partner sled push
- 1000m bike ride
This is no ordinary workout, but then again, Rich Froning is no ordinary man. If you don't have good handstand pushups, this WOD will destroy you.
#2 The Rainmaker
Lots of dumbbell work here. And lots of heart-breaking fitness exercises (burpees and box jumps). Nobody likes thrusters, so this one is called the Rainmaker because it will make you cry.
20 minutes of AMRAP:
- 40 Barbell Thrusters (45/35), 10 Box Jumps (24/20), 10 Burpees
- 30 Thrusters (75/45), 20 BJs, 20 Burpees
- 20 Thrusters (95/65), 30 BJs, 30 Burpees
- 10 Thrusters (115/75), 40 BJs, 40 Burpees
- Max bike calories in remaining time (shared) or double unders for a spicy finish
Adapt this workout by replacing the propulsion movement with front squats.

#3 The Widowmaker
Work from 10 reps in increments of 10 to 50, then start again from 10. Back to 50. That's one round. Ouch. But there are only two rounds. Let's face it, two sets are enough. . When I first watched this workout I thought "piece of cake".
But like many CrossFit workouts, especially ones where you're working against the clock, it's easy to burn out quickly. The best way to approach this WOD is probably to assign certain exercises to the more skilled partner in each of the 'them.
If you're good at push-ups, for example, and your partner is a squat beast, you can take most of the push-ups. Your partner can do more squats and be fresh for the second set of jumps.
This workout will blast your upper body, but there are a few lower body moves you can use as a "rest" between pumping your chest and shoulders.
For time:
- 10 Handstand Push-ups
- 20 Box Jump or jump overs
- 30 Pull-Ups
- 40 Push-Ups
- 50 Double Unders
- 10 Knees to Elbows
- 20 Ring Dips
- 30 Burpees
- 40 Sit-Ups
- 50 Air Squats
Adapt this workout: Do knee bends instead of bow knees, push-ups with light weights instead of handstand push-ups.
#4 Not a walk in the park
20 minutes of AMRAP:
- 20 Barbell Power Cleans
- 40m Sled Pull
This is one of my favorites. There is nothing I love more than power cleans and sled pull-ups. It may seem simple enough, but pull-ups and power cleans are exhausting, even if the workload is shared. It will test your fitness and leave you with no doubt about your abilities.
The only way to make this exercise even more challenging for your lungs is to replace the sled pulls with sled pushes.
Give it a try, but don't say I didn't warn you. Expect to see two sweaty angels on the gym floor after you're done.
Staggering options: Try hanging power cleans if one of your partners finds them easier.
#5 Homer Simpson
This exercise is titled after a Simpsons character because, why not?
There is no doubt that our donut-eating friend would not make it past the first exercise. This is not an easy workout. Be afraid, be very afraid.
15 Min – 5 rounds:
- 30 HSPU
- 10 muscle-ups
- 20-meter single-arm overhead dumbbell walking lunges
- 1-mile running race
- 20 wall balls
Don't forget your knee pads. Walking lunges can be a real killer, not only for your knees but also for your glutes and quads. Be prepared to limp the next day.
#6 Take-away weighing
There's a lot of interest these days in at-home CrossFit workouts and no-equipment workouts, so here's a bodyweight partner WOD for people with minimal equipment. All you need is your own body.
For obvious reasons, this WOD does not include pull-ups or gymnastics ring exercises. You can do this workout at home or in the gym without any specialized equipment.
For Time:
- 1000-meter run (together)
- 10 pushups (PU)
- 10 sit-ups (SU)
- 10 air squats (AS)
- 20 PU
- 20 SU
- 20 AS
- 30 PU
- 30 SU
- 30 AS
- 40 PU
- 40 SU
- 40 AS
- 1000-meter run (together)
And there you have it. Just a few examples of fun partnered WODs to spice up your workout. Let us know what you think? Have you done any of these exercises?