À quelle fréquence devriez-vous faire des séances d'entraînement HIIT ? | Charlie Tango Fitness

How Often Should You Do HIIT Workouts?

Ahh, the HIIT. It's the workout everyone brags about doing, day in and day out, because they have specific goals and they're there to achieve them.

What is HIIT?

What is High Intensity Interval Training?

HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training , is not meant to be done every day. And if you manage to hit that level of intensity five, six, or seven days a week, you're probably wrong.

We know - it's not what you want to hear.

But these super-fast routines were created so you can practice any form of cardio you want with maximum effort.

The idea is to elevate your heart rate for a brief period, followed by rest for a set period. You can train at a work/rest ratio of 1:1 (30 second sprint, 30 second rest), 1:2 (30 second sprint, 1 minute rest), 1:3 (30 second sprint, seconds, 1.5 minute rest), and so on.


The main thing is to put in maximum effort during sprints.

Numerous studies show that the benefits of short bursts of extremely intense exercise are the result of intense physical exertion: Happier, healthier and slimmer in 15 minutes a day.

Real HIIT is like sprinting, and it should feel like your gas tank is completely empty. So if you do a 30-second sprint during a HIIT interval, you shouldn't be able to get to the 31st second without wanting to crash.

Which means if you're able to go even a second longer — or pencil in another HIIT session tomorrow — you probably haven't been strong enough. We hate to be so blunt, but it's the truth.

Most people aren't used to pushing themselves as hard as necessary for HIIT, especially for a HIIT workout that's only 7 or 10 minutes long, because it's extremely uncomfortable.


Benefits of HIIT

We all want the fastest, most efficient way to get fit so we can do other awesome things in our lives. So the idea of ​​being able to train for such a short period of time and get results , rather than hanging out on the treadmill, seems like a no-brainer.

The first benefit everyone talks about is, of course, fat burning. Research shows that intervals can repair your metabolism by reducing inflammation, which forces the body to improve its ability to use and burn energy.

This means you'll burn fat faster , use energy better during workouts, and continue burning calories long after your workout is over. This is a phenomenon known as EPOC , or excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption.

EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) - Page 6

In addition, you will simply be able to do more during these sweat sessions. Think of it this way : If I had you sprinting as far as you could and for as long as you could, how long would you last? One minute, two minutes, three minutes?.

By adding rest periods and then returning [to the effort interval], it allows you to cumulatively sprint for a longer period of time. So if you've done ten 30-second sprints , you'll be sprinting for five minutes in total. It's much longer than anyone could do in one go.

And, when HIIT is done correctly (and paired with a solid nutrition plan), you can blast belly fat and improve your heart health. Source of trust

Are there any risks to doing HIIT every day?

Glad you asked the question. The most obvious risk is that of injury. The risk of injury from overtraining skyrockets when you don't give muscle tissue time to repair and grow.

It's like not working the same muscle group when you lift two days in a row - eventually your body, joints and mind will wear out.

Sport against fatigue I Living with MS | Living with MS

And remember: Mental exhaustion is real. If you overdo it, after a while your mind will start to lag.

You will feel tired, exhausted and you won't feel like working out. If you are not mentally invested, your performance will suffer, as well as your form, and this can again lead to overuse and injury.

So how many HIIT should I do?

Two to three days a week is a good amount of HIIT, provided you allow 24 hours of rest and recovery between sessions.

If your goal is to train four times a week, we recommend two sessions of HIIT and two resistance training sessions. It is up to you to choose between a resistance training day with the whole body or a day of training with the upper body and another with the lower body.

Keep your schedule in mind: If you do intense leg resistance training one day and then do a HIIT sprint the next, your legs will be sore and you won't be able to fully recover for HIIT.


Try to schedule a day of rest or yoga in between for best results.

Basically, we're not telling you not to do HIIT. We're also not telling you not to do field exercises. Getting active every day is good for your physical and mental health, and all the experts agree on that.

But if you've exhausted your three weekly HIIT sessions or are just on the phone, schedule a yoga class or hop on your bike for a ride in the sun. You deserved it.

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