Comment avoir de plus grosses cuisses grâce au Cross-training ? | Charlie Tango Fitness

How to get bigger thighs thanks to Cross-training?

Crossfit is great for getting the average person extremely fit, very quickly. Due to the unique nature of Crossfit-style workouts (WODs), people burn fat and build muscle almost immediately after joining a box.

This is perhaps one of the best, if not the best way to get in shape in the shortest amount of time and it doesn't have many flaws.

However, there is one.

Due to the non-functional element of some bodybuilding movements and the lack of machines, Crossfit athletes sometimes have problems when trying to improve their physique when it comes to a lagging muscle group like the legs.

Don't get me wrong, your legs will definitely get bigger and they may already be a decent size if you're consistent in a Crossfit gym but this post is for those who want bigger legs than most.

If you're not getting in shape around the clock and losing all of your Crossfit progress, here's a perfectly balanced program whose sole purpose is to add mass to your legs.

This program can be followed using the equipment that each Crossfit room has, without the need for machines.

How to build big thighs in a crossfit box: The program

Warming up

  • Banded Goblet Squats ( 2x12 )
  • Banded Leg Curls ( 2 x 12 )

Calf work

  • Standing Elevated Calf raises ( 1 x 20 )
  • Standing Elevated Single Leg DB Calf Raises x ( 2 x 15 )
  • Standing Elevated body weight only Single Calf Raises ( 1 x 10-12 )

*Be sure to contract your calf as hard as you can at the top of each rep.

Main part

  • Heel Elevated KB Squats (3 x 12/20/8)
  • Deficit Reverse Lunges (3x12)

*Superset these moves means you do 1 set of KB Squats then 1 set of Lunges, then another set of squats and then lunges again, etc. for the 3 sets alternately each time.

*Do not go below parallel on squats to maintain tension in the quadriceps.

  • Barbell Hip Thrusts (3 x 10/15/8)
  • Short Step Walking lunges (3 x 20 steps)

*3 seconds down on hip thrust, explode up. Also, be sure to focus on short strides during lunges to maintain tension in the quadriceps.

*Combine hip thrusts with walking lunges as you did with KB squats and reverse lunges earlier.

  • Heel Elevated Tempo Back Squats (1st set: 1×20 with a four second lowering. 2nd and 3rd sets: x 12 with a three second lowering. 4th set of lowering x 4: do 1 set of 10, lower the weight and repeat for set 2, lower the weight for set 2 and repeat 10 times for set 3. For the 4th and final set of the set, use only the barbell (no weights) and go to failure by not locking at the top and not descending parallel at the bottom.
    *3 seconds of descent on each rep and each set.
Finisher legs
  • 3 Rounds: 60sec legs only - Bike, 30 Air Squats, 20 DB deadlifts

*This should be done as fast as possible, just like a normal Crossfit workout.

This complete workout can be done 2x per week for maximum results.

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