Comment combiner le Cross-Training avec le triathlon | Charlie Tango Fitness

How to Combine Cross-Training with Triathlon

Why a Cross-Training Athlete Should Do Triathlon

Congratulations Crossfit athletes, what you are doing is quite impressive.

What is CrossFit?

Well, according to their website definition:

"CrossFit is the primary strength and conditioning program for many police schools and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, martial arts champions, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes around the world. the whole world.

Our program provides fitness that is, by design, broad, general and inclusive. Our specialty is not to specialize. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this type of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist."

Before anyone passes judgment or wonders if I know what I'm talking about, I did Crossfit. A lot. I did "WOD", or Workouts of the Day. I've experienced the Fran, Lynn and Nutts and all the other affectionate names given to not-so-cute Crossfit workout routines.

I trained at a Crossfit gym, under their mascot "Pukie the Clown" (pictured right), and threw up. I've been there, I've done that.

To learn more about triathlon training, click here.

And that's the problem with Crossfit.

If Crossfit workouts, which are highly anaerobic and demanding in terms of power and strength, are performed in a typical carbohydrate-depleted state by a triathlete or endurance athlete who engages in heavy aerobic training sessions concurrently with participation in Crossfit, results in poor form and increased risk of injury during the actual Crossfit routine, combined with sacrificed biomechanics and hormonal imblems due to Crossfit-induced pain/fatigue in any subsequent sessions swimming, cycling or aerobic running.

In other words, aerobic athletes and triathletes cannot have their Crossfit cake and eat it too.

If you are a Crossfit enthusiast and frequent Crossfit gyms, or use Crossfit websites to get your WODs, and blindly stick to the program while also doing 2 or 3 swimming sessions, cycling and/or running during the week, then either A) you are not performing well in Crossfit workouts, and therefore only receiving mere fractions of the "intense" benefits of Crossfit, or B) You perform well in Crossfit workouts, but then perform lousy, half-failed aerobic workouts due to soreness and fatigue.

Either way, A or B, I guarantee that if you do a "good" Crossfit program and combine it with a "good" triathlon or endurance training program, there is absolutely no no chance of you giving your testosterone:cortisol ratio or your inflammatory response to exercise adequate recovery time, which leads to an increased chance of a lowered immune system, increased risk of soft tissue injury, and risk increased overtraining syndrome.


First day :

- easy recovery - Execution with drills/counts

Second day :

-Swim or cycle at regular intervals

Third day :


Fourth day :

-No Crossfit
-Swim or cycle at regular intervals

Fifth day :

-Cross drive
-easy recovery Execution with drills/counts


Sixth day:

-No Crossfit
Swimming endurance session

Seventh day :

-rest day OR long bike ride with a mix of intervals

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