Comment créer son propre WOD (Workout Of The Day) ? | Charlie Tango Fitness

How to create your own WOD (Workout Of The Day)?

If you're looking for creative ways to train smarter, not longer, look no further than the workout of the day (WOD) format commonly used in CrossFit.

If you don't belong in a box, no problem: you can still reap the many benefits of these effective and fast approaches to exercise by creating your own WOD that will challenge your fitness in a whole new way.

The "verse"

What is this ? The verse consists of two movements performed as repetitions of time.

Equipment Options: Versatile equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, SandBells, medicine balls, and dumbbells are great for this particular format.

Exercise Selection: Coupling movements allows for a variety of creative approaches to structuring your workout.

Whether you choose to pair opposing movements like a push and pull exercise (e.g. dumbbell push presses and medicine ball push-ups), or whether you choose to pair two challenging total-body moves (e.g. barbell pushups and squats) for an added challenge, your approach and choice of equipment may vary depending on your fitness goals.

What to like: If you're new to CrossFit-type training, we think this format can work well because it's easy to tackle mentally. Indeed, as you progress in training, the rounds become easier because you repeat each movement less often.

Workout example: This particular workout, which is done for a while, is one of Matt's favorites!

21-15-9 reps of:
Back Squats @85kg
Kettlebell Swing: 25kg

For this format, start by selecting the weight that suits you best for each exercise. Proceed to the first round by performing 21 repetitions of each of the chosen exercises.

Without resting, move on to round two, performing 15 reps of each exercise, and for round three, perform nine reps of each movement. Finally, keep track of your time, which we think is helpful in making sure you're progressing and improving your movement skills.

Another approach you can take to this workout style - which is one of my favorites - is to complete 10 rounds of the selected exercises, starting with performing 10 reps of exercise A, and 1 rep of the exercise b.

Then, decrease the reps of exercise A and add more to exercise B each round until you complete round 10, in which you perform one rep of exercise A and 10 of l exercise B.


What is this ? AMRAP - or as many rounds as possible - involves performing a series of exercises as many times as possible within a given time frame.

Equipment Options: Strength training works great for this format and allows you to sweat anywhere, anytime, whether you're working out at home, in the gym, or while traveling.

Other portable equipment, such as kettlebells, SandBells, and medicine balls, can also be used to add variety and new challenges to this format.

Exercise Selection: To improve movement efficiency, consider using a variety of compound, proven and creative, equipment-free exercises that revolve around the five main movement types: squat and lift, single leg, push , traction and rotation.

Squat, lunge, and push-up variations are all great options for exploring this format and will help you maximize the moves you make in and out of the gym.

As you improve your movement patterns, consider adding equipment and exploring exercises such as wall balls, kettlebell swing and kb press, and SandBell squats with one foot elevated. You can also try adding cardio-focused exercises, like a 150-meter run.

What you'll love: This approach is both empowering and effective because it allows for effective training in a fraction of the time. Much like The Couplet, this workout style can also serve as a baseline for your training, as it allows you to easily retest yourself and track your progress along the way.

Workout Example: This 10 minute bodyweight workout is one of Marco's favorites!

AMRAP 10' min

5 pull ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

The bottom line being that whatever approach you take to structuring your own WOD, to establish adequate joint stability and mobility through effective exercises such as the bridge, hip extension, rotations prone position, kneeling rotations, shoulder stabilization sets and side lunges.

Using these and other movements as part of a dynamic warm-up is key to developing effective movement patterns, which will ultimately ensure your safety and success when you sweat.

This becomes especially important once you start adding load to movements using gear. Given the emphasis on technique and efficiency in CrossFit, Matt recommends people do movement research and educate themselves on proper form before attempting long-duration or high-pressure movements. intensity.

Ready to start WOD? Discover our compilation of 150 unique WODs without hardware by clicking here.

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