The use of a weightlifting belt in bodybuilding is controversial. Is the belt essential to preserve the back? On the contrary, does it prevent the development of a "natural", "functional" belt through the abdominal sheathing mechanism? Should we distinguish between recreational bodybuilding and athletic bodybuilding or weightlifting?
In this article, we will see how to use a belt to lift weights. We'll answer some common questions about belts, such as: Do weightlifting belts make you lift more weight? Are they safe to use? When should you buckle up? Do belts weaken the lower back? We will also provide you with some important tips on how to choose the best belt for yourself.
First of all, what is a weightlifting belt?
A weightlifting belt is a wrap that you wear around your waist when lifting heavy weights. Different belts are made from different materials, depending on their type, purpose and use.
There are two types of weightlifting belts: leather and nylon. Leather belts are more common because they last longer and are more durable. They are also stronger than nylon belts. Weightlifting belts are usually about 4-6 inches thick and have a metal buckle to hold them in place.
It is an accessory worn during strength training to support the back and allow more efficient execution of movements. Weight belts are used by Olympic lifters, powerlifters, bodybuilders, Crossfitters and other athletes who lift weights.
What is the main objective?
The main purpose of the belt is to "harness" the abdominal muscles (or their opposing muscles) to provide core stability. It is also used to reduce intra-abdominal pressure during heavy lifting. This supports and protects their heart/back from injury.
They also help prevent hyperextension when performing overhead lifts. Hyperextension occurs when the joint moves farther than it should from its normal position, which can increase or decrease the angle of the joint.
The main function of the belt is to give extra support to the abdominal wall, supporting the lumbar vertebrae. It will allow you to put more weight on your bar by putting it at a weight where the strength of your sheath is no longer sufficient to perform the movement.
This will depend on how developed your abdominal muscles are, and we're not talking about your visible abdominal muscles, but rather your internal muscles that allow you to sit up straight. If you have a good development, it will not be necessary to use your belt for lifts of 85%, but for example only for lifts greater than 90%.
Should I use a weightlifting belt?

The answer is not so obvious, because we only have one spine and it has to last us a lifetime. It is therefore not a choice to be made lightly.
If you do serious weight training, at an intermediate level, or for general conditioning, it's probably best to lift light weights without a weight belt.
If you are weight training, with a goal of maximum performance, a compromise may be to only use the weightlifting belt for heavy sets, with loads above 85% of a 1RM.
If you have been training conscientiously for several years at an advanced level, the use of a weight belt can be considered at your discretion. But don't fall into the trap of using loads that are too heavy just because you're using a belt.
What exercises should you use a weightlifting belt for?

The weightlifting belt is especially useful for exercises requiring high trunk rigidity:
- Squats and variations
- Deadlift and variations
- presses and variants
- Bent over the rows
But they are also heavily used by Olympic weightlifters, or anyone who regularly performs heavy Olympic lifts.
Benefits of the Weightlifting Belt

Reduces shear forces on the spine
All other things being equal, the use of the weightlifting belt supports the lumbar vertebrae by increasing intra-abdominal pressure.
this is supported by a study which showed that the use of the belt reduced vertebral compression after a resistance training session (3.59 mm vs 2.87 mm with the belt on average).
"The results suggest that the use of a lifting belt increases IAP, which may reduce disk compression force and improve lifting safety."
Reduces lumbar muscle fatigue
If you train primarily to build muscle, you'll use the squat to build your thighs and the bench press to build your shoulders.
In this case, the sacro-lumbar muscles should not be a limiting factor, and the weight training belt will allow you to reduce their fatigue, for better solicitation of the targeted muscle groups.
Improve execution technique
Some people pay more attention to proper exercise execution when wearing a weightlifting belt because it improves the perception of stability.
Above all, the use of a weightlifting belt makes it possible to avoid certain precarious positions.
Thus, in the squat, the use of the weightlifting belt limits the range of motion (and this is the reason why the weightlifting belt is little used among lifters who must descend into a full squat) and decreases the risk of tilting the spine into anteversion
This incorrect and dangerous placement for the lower back would have been impossible to achieve with a weightlifting belt.
Sometimes allows you to train even with back pain
If you have back pain, the weightlifting belt can sometimes allow you to do certain exercises without pain, when it would not be possible without it.
This is an example of the important role a weightlifting belt can play in preventing back injuries.
Allows you to lift heavier weights

In the deadlift or deadlift, most people will be stronger or able to do more reps with a weightlifting belt than without.
The heavier loads used will allow better solicitation of the thighs and trapezius muscles.
Disadvantages of a Weightlifting Belt
Will it cause abdominal or lower back muscle weakness?
Intra-abdominal pressure is normally achieved by contracting the superficial and deep abdominal muscles, and holding one's breath (Valsalva maneuver, which is recommended to be reduced to its minimum portion, as it increases blood pressure).
Systematic use of the belt would lead to weakness of the abdominal muscles, particularly the deep muscles which are little used during conventional abdominal exercises (crunches, raising the knees).
This frequently cited argument is not supported by this deadlift study , which shows that, on the contrary, the rectus abdominis muscle is more active with a weightlifting belt than without! On the other hand, it is true that the large oblique muscle is less active:
"Compared to the no-belt condition, the belt condition produced significantly greater rectus abdominis activity and significantly less external oblique activity."
As for the lumbar muscles, the studies do not converge on the subject: certain studies have shown an increase in the solicitation of the spinal erector muscles, others a decrease.
Is it causing you to gain TOO much weight?
All other things being equal, the weightlifting belt will serve as a support. In general, the weightlifting belt will serve to overcome its limits and lift weights that we could not have lifted without it.
In the end, rather than a reduction in the risk of injury, we could therefore have an increase in injuries due to the higher loads lifted.
Does not address the underlying problem

If you have lumbar or abdominal problems, the use of the belt can also become an excuse not to treat the underlying problem: a lack of abdominal gain, sciatica...
Makes breathing more difficult during long reps
For long series (more than ten repetitions), wearing a very tight belt leads to breathing difficulties.
This is why you will frequently see Crossfitter loosening his belt during a workout to perform cardio moves. They will tighten it once they get back to the heavy part.
Alters muscle recruitment
In the squat, the use of the belt seems to modify the muscular recruitment, by increasing the recruitment of the hamstrings, glutes compared to the quadriceps.
How to wear a weightlifting belt?
Ideally, the belt should be worn tight to the limit of discomfort when performing a lift. You can then loosen it between sets.
If you can wear it all the time during your session, it is not tight enough and therefore not very useful...
- Place the belt around your waist.
- Inhale a little, then tighten the belt, this will give you some breathing space, but not too much.
- When you're ready to lift, brace your core, squeeze your abdominal muscles into the belt, then begin your lift. That extra pressure you'll feel from the belt is there for that.
What type of belt should I use?
Velcro or leather?
A Velcro belt is not a serious belt for weightlifting. Velcro belts are elastic, so they don't hold the abdomen and lumbar region well, and their closure system is crap. At best they will warm your belly…
So choose a leather belt, it will last you for years, and at least will be fixed and solid. it is a good investment.
Additionally, many brands offer lifetime warranties on certain leather belts. This shows that leather belts are tough, otherwise no company would offer this kind of guarantee!
Then you will have the choice between lever or classic closure belts, the choice is yours. A belt with a lever is preferable because it is easier to put on. However, as the belt is not stretched in the same way for the squat and the deadlift, this would mean that it would be necessary to have two belts with flaps, unless you want to dismantle the entire closing mechanism each time for the settle lol.
Tips for using a belt
If you are going to use a belt, the best thing would be not to use it for your first sets in order to continue strengthening your core. Once you get to the heaviest loads, and only you will know it, you can use your belt to perform the exercise correctly.
Also, each week, try to reduce its use by only using it for the final sets, and you will find that you will only need the belt for a few lifts.
For example, if you start using it on lifts at 70% of your 1RM, try the following week to use it only on lifts at 75%, and so on…this will allow you to work more and more plus your gainer, at high loads.
I hope this article has helped you decide whether or not to wear a belt, and that you are not overusing the belt more than necessary. There's nothing worse than seeing a badger walk into the gym with his belt on and only take it off when he gets to the shower 😉
And do not hesitate to put on a belt if necessary, because not wearing a belt will not make you more virile and strong!
1 comment
Bonjour , puis je utiliser ce type de ceinture pour passer la débroussailleuse dans mon jardin et ainsi m’éviter des douleurs lombaires importantes ?
merci pour cet article et pour vos réponses …