Robert Cheeke, Mac Danzig, Melody Schoenfeld, Billy Prusinowski, Nimai Delgado… What do all these athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters or fighters have in common? They are all vegan !
And if you are on this article, you are a vegan who is interested in the
cross-training or a cross-trainer who is interested in going vegan … No worries, Workout From Home tells you everything you need to know in this article.
What is special about vegans?
A person on a vegan diet eliminates all foods from an animal source in their diet. Thus, it eliminates meat, fish, eggs or honey.
Many people wonder how it is possible to gain muscle or strength when someone is vegan. However, it is prejudice to think that it is impossible to improve in cross training without eating meat or fish.
What you have to understand is that even if you are vegan, you must continue to eat foods that are good for your health and for your progress. Just because a packet of crisps or chocolate chip cookies are vegan doesn't mean you have to jump on them!
It is necessary to continue to prepare your meals yourself . Likewise, this diet absolutely does not change the attention you need to pay to your macronutrients.
As you know, to progress in strength or muscle gain, you must ingest enough protein, carbohydrates or fat. So stay alert to these aspects!
Sources of vegan protein
Just because you don't eat meat or fish doesn't mean you can't get enough protein throughout the day . Indeed, many vegan foods contain a lot of protein. Starting with legumes…
Chickpeas, dried peas, lentils or dried beans are excellent sources of protein. You can cook them easily by soaking them in cold water and then boiling them for 30 minutes to an hour depending on your preparation.
To avoid wasting too much time each day (especially during the week), consider cooking legumes in large quantities to have them for a few days. This allows you to have your protein sources for the following days.
Do you think eating kidney beans or dried green peas is not good? It's that you haven't yet found the right recipe to enjoy them. For example, many vegans love burritos.
With a mixture of red beans and black beans, avocado, soy yogurt and spices, the preparation is quick and it's a pure delight! Here is an example of a recipe that you can cook easily!
Another source of protein is foods that replace meat. Tofu, tempeh, seitan… More and more preparations and recipes are appearing with these delicious foods. Try these products and find what appeals to you the most.
Are you running out of ideas and want to get unique sweet and savory vegan recipes adapted to your sports goals?
Our Vegan Athlete guide is ideal for continuing to train at the best level , not getting tired of this diet and having a real impact on your training.

Sources of vegan carbohydrates and fats
The sources of carbohydrates and fats between a classic diet and a vegan diet remain mostly the same . Choose unprepared foods and the least industrial possible.
Additionally, some carbohydrate sources are also an excellent source of protein . Oats, brown rice, quinoa or fruit are excellent sources of carbohydrates.
In addition to providing carbohydrates, foods such as quinoa or oats provide fiber. Fruits are also ideal because they provide you with a large amount of vitamins, essential for having energy during your cross-training training.
Finally, vegans get lipids from oilseeds, avocados and oils. Remember to vary the sources of lipids : olive oil, flaxseed, coconut… Since your amount of lipids is lower in vegan foods than in meat, make sure you always reach your macronutrients.
What supplements should you take as a vegan athlete?
The first essential dietary supplement if you are unable to meet your protein quota per day is the consumption of protein powder.
Just like Whey in people with a classic diet, you will find vegan proteins based on soy or legumes. Similarly, deficiencies should not be allowed to set in. Vegans are prone to vitamin B12, iron, zinc and calcium deficiencies.
Some brands of food supplements have designed food supplements specially dedicated to vegans. You usually get the nutrients that vegans lack through their diets.
You see… It's not that hard to be a vegan athlete! Remember to take a look at our Vegan Athlete Pack to go further in your approach!