
Nutri&Co health food supplements: Test and Opinions

As often at the beginning of the school year, we get up with projects and good resolutions in our heads! (like that of eliminating the extra pounds of summer, or taking care of the garden, neglected for too long;) but our body does not necessarily follow us with the same enthusiasm!

The lack of sun, the return of the cold, a richer diet, etc. make one tend to feel a bit flagada. And to take a bit of the hair of the beast, we are then tempted to follow a vitamin cure .

That's what I usually do but with special attention this year. A few months ago, I discovered the Nutri&Co brand on social networks , I took advantage of this period to test their healthy range.

The brand

Specialist in Nutraceuticals, since 2017, the company's desire is to develop quality and effective formulas above all. In this approach, they prioritize the formulation criteria: Efficiency in number 1. For this, all their ingredients are supported by science.

The components of their food supplements are traced, their origin known, and this is also clearly specified information on their website. After having started their activity on Amazon , it now distributes 25 products also on their e-commerce site.

Our opinion on some of their flagship products

1. Multivitamins

Interest : If there were to remain only one among the dietary supplements to be taken daily, it would undoubtedly be the multivitamin! Indeed, soil depletion, industrial food, pollution, etc. are among the factors that imply a decline in the nutritional quality of the foods we eat.

Thus, the mere fact of eating balanced meals is not necessarily sufficient to provide all the vitamins and minerals necessary for an optimal state of health. Daily intake of a Nutri&co multivitamin supplement therefore makes it possible to get as close as possible to the RDA (recommended daily allowances) to make up for any deficiencies and maintain a good level of energy.

What makes it a quality multivitamin? Their complex focuses on nutrients that are hard to find in the diet. Their dosages are established on the basis of clinical studies that have demonstrated their health benefits. It contains 14 vitamins, 4 minerals, 2 carotenoids, 3 bio-flavonoids, coenzyme Q10 and is free from pro-oxidant minerals (iron, copper and manganese).

2. Magnesium

Interest : Mineral essential to the body, magnesium deficiency is nevertheless widespread among many of us. It is also coming back more and more to the fore for its recognized benefits against stress and anxiety thanks to its effects on muscle relaxation.

It is also part of my selection because I run 2 to 3 times a week and I know that it allows better nerve recovery by promoting, among other things, the quality of sleep.

What makes it a quality magnesium? Their MagShape® capsules combine high content (32% elemental magnesium) and high absorption (higher than bisglycinate)! Thanks to them, each of their capsules contains 100 mg of assimilable magnesium! Magnesium malate and glycerophosphate complete their formula. They use different absorption channels from MagShape®, thus reducing the risk of saturation.

3. Omega 3

Interest : Omega 3 are essential fatty acids essential for good cardiovascular function but also for the brain. They have an anti-inflammatory and protective action for the joints. Although present in oily fish and certain oilseeds, their content often remains too low in these foods to meet our daily needs (between 3g and 6g depending on the case). The body cannot synthesize them itself, so going through supplements is an option to consider.

What makes it a quality multivitamin? Their oils are selected so that just 4 standard size capsules provide a minimum of 590 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 400 mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in the natural form of triglycerides.

Final opinion on the Nutri&Co brand

My regular practice of sport, and in particular CrossFit, which is a rather brutal sport from certain angles, led me to take a closer interest in the dietary supplement market.

Frequenting friends who have studied nutrition, I have been aware for years of a healthy diet. But until then, my only approach to supplements had to be limited to a few protein shakes.

As when I took my first step in a CrossFit box, it was while looking for the answer to my various questions that I quickly noticed the quality differences that there could be between 2 supplements of the same name.

Faithful to its line of conduct since 2017, the Aix-based company has developed a range of supplements that meet the same level of requirements that it has set itself since the beginning of its adventure. Despite its strong growth, the care taken in the formulations but above all the transparency demonstrated by the brand to offer quality supplements places Nutri&Co as an option of choice in the face of a sometimes opaque market.

In conclusion, and even if it goes without saying, this type of supplementation is the icing on the cake of a lifestyle that should already be “healthy”. Otherwise, it is better to devote this budget to the choice of food, the fact of practicing a regular sporting activity and taking care of your sleep. It will be even more profitable if these bases are not already installed in your daily life!

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