Cross-Training : Convient-il à tous les âges ? | Charlie Tango Fitness

Cross-Training: Is it suitable for all ages?

Good physical condition for all levels and all ages

If you've never tried cross training before, it's easy to assume two things. First, all workouts are extremely intense, so you have to "get in shape" before you even think about setting foot in a box. And second, it's only for people between the ages of 20 and 40.

Cross training isn't just intense training for elite athletes in their 20s, 30s, or 40s. It is designed to suit all fitness levels and all age groups.

Suitable for all fitness levels

Group workouts are designed for versatility at any fitness level. A workout is usually written "Rx" or as prescribed.

But that doesn't mean you have to use the prescribed weights, reps, or times written on a whiteboard. You can "stagger" a workout or modify it to suit your current fitness level.

And if you're not sure what that would be like, you have a knowledgeable coach to guide you. The scalability of a workout is what allows the discipline to adapt to any fitness level, and it's also what allows you to continually improve.

Suitable for all ages

The scalability of the workouts allows you to individualize a workout based on your fitness level, as well as your age. With age, mobility may begin to decline. Each workout follows a similar pattern of warm-up, skill or strength work, training, and cool-down.

Warming up, skill or strength work, and cooling down usually involve a good deal of mobility. Whatever your age, mobility is something we lose if we don't take the time to maintain it.

And rather than statically stretching your muscles, a lot of mobility work is functional, which means you're working on range of motion through your body's natural movements.

The average group seen in fitness videos tends to range in age from late teens to early 30s, so this is the age group typically associated with fitness work. But this is not the only group of people who want better mobility, greater strength and more endurance.

Every age group benefits from regular physical exercise, and cross training focuses on using movements that are natural in everyday life.

Young cross-trainers

Children don't need to focus on building incredible strength at age 6, but they can benefit from regular exercise that gets them used to using their bodies as they grow.

They need very little encouragement to be active - children are energetic and ready to spend it all - but they may need guidance on how to enjoy the activity without hurting themselves.

As the activity is a scalable, adaptable program, it is easy to adapt it to the needs of a younger person. Starting a regular physical exercise program gives a child a good start to excellent health at an early age.

With a little supervision, there's no reason a child can't do modified versions of adult exercise and it will help build endurance, muscle and cardiovascular health.

Maintain a good level of mobility

Bodies wear out with age, it's a biological fact. However, when your body is in better shape, the aging process is less marked by wear and tear than if your body was poorly cared for. Cross training is accessible to people of all ages. One of the strengths of cross-training is that it's designed to help people maintain their functional ability well into their prime.

Rather than focusing on producing star athletes who reach their thirties and begin to decline, it helps maintain that level of mobile ability and functionality.

It can help you get to that level even if you've never done a fitness program in your life. The versatility of the discipline and the way it can be adjusted to create consistent improvement in any age group is what makes it so popular.

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