Entraînement de Cross-training pour les femmes | Charlie Tango Fitness

Cross-training workout for women

If you're looking to change up your workout routine and get real results, then this CrossFit workout is for you. Get ready for some serious sweat, but also some fun.

Will CrossFit make you bulky?

This WOD involves some dumbbell complexes and heavy weight lifting, and in fact, some women might worry that this type of training will make them look "large" and "manly."

Quite the contrary, CrossFit is the perfect balance between cardio and strength training, and you'll burn a lot of calories doing this workout.

The only thing that will make you bulky is eating more calories than you burn, so this workout should actually help you get leaner and more athletic.

Will CrossFit help you get fitter?

Wanting to "get in shape" is a very broad term and is not really a good goal to strive for. When setting fitness goals, it's important to have a solid goal in mind with a timeline that is measurable and realistic.

Rather than saying "I want to get in shape", you should say "I want to be able to lift 100 kg in 6 months and lose 5 kg". This goal is much more realistic, it is also measurable and has a time frame.

With that in mind, it's impossible to say whether CrossFit will get you in shape, the question is so vague.

What CrossFit is going to do is improve your cardiovascular fitness, your lung capacity, and with proper diet, it could also help you lose weight and burn fat, thereby improving your physique.

What are the best CrossFit shoes?

Before starting this CrossFit workout for women , you need to make sure that you have the right and best shoes for CrossFit.

Since there are so many different movements and complexes in a CrossFit workout, you need shoes that are versatile and have a solid sole for heavy lifting, while still being flexible and comfortable enough for running and jumping.

To learn more about the difference between CrossFit shoes and training shoes, we recommend reading this article.

CrossFit WOD - Workout Of The Day

This WOD takes the form of Tabata which is a type of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

You will perform each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving directly to the next exercise.

There are 8 exercises in total, meaning this WOD will only last 4 minutes - but you'll feel the effects for a long time!

Depending on your level, you can do this circuit 2 to 3 times, taking 5 minutes of rest between each.

  • Deadlifts - beginners use 40kg, intermediates 60kg, advanced 80kg
  • burpees
  • Inverted rows
  • Chin ups (assisted if necessary)
  • KB swings - beginners use 8 kg, intermediates 12 kg, advanced 16 kg
  • Front Squat - beginners use 30 kg, intermediates 50 kg, advanced 60 kg
  • Thrusters - beginners use 10kg, intermediates 20kg, advanced 30kg
  • Overhead press - beginners use 10 kg, intermediates 20 kg, advanced 30 kg

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