Entraînement de Cross-training pour Rugby | Charlie Tango Fitness

Cross-training training for Rugby

Crossfit receives several criticisms for its lack of effectiveness from many strength and conditioning enthusiasts, and some of these remarks are justified. But when used correctly, Crossfit can be an effective training method for rugby players in particular. There are many reasons for this, but first let's see what Crossfit is.

What is CrossFit?

Crossfit can be defined as "constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity across broad time and modal domains".

This definition helps to understand why Crossfit can be a good training approach for rugby.

A rugby match has a variety of functional movements, is high intensity and requires the development of all energy systems for you to be successful.

No matter how much research we do on the demands of the game, you never know exactly how far you'll run, how much force you need to produce on contact, how many times you need to drop off the ground, etc.

Ultimately, the game is random and chaotic and part of your training should be able to simulate that.

The constantly varied part of Crossfit is often criticized and is not without merit. You see that in order to adapt and improve, you have to repeat something and overload it.

For example, if you want to get stronger, you should perform the same exercise and try to lift more weight or do more reps. Does that make any sense ?

If you constantly vary what you do, you limit your ability to adapt. But the irony is that most crossfit boxes, athletes, and programs use basic strength progressions and then vary the MetCon (metabolic conditioning) portion of the workout. Let's take a look at a typical Crossfit session to explain this last point:


Typical Crossfit workout

Warm Up - Preparation of movements and mobility - warm-up

Skill - Technical work on "crossfit exercises" or "core lift"

Strength - Basic strength program as used by anyone who wants to get stronger

WOD - workout of the day - metabolic conditioning which can include any combination of the above plus regular conditioning patterns performed at high intensity for time or reps/rounds

You see, the majority of the session is very similar to a normal strength and conditioning session and the WOD is really just a finisher.

The WOD has many advantages for rugby players. Here are a few :

  • Can be easily adjusted based on athlete goals/needs
  • Can be manipulated into any physical quality
  • Works the whole body
  • High Intensity - simulates game intensity
  • Scoreable - gives you something to improve/beat
  • Create competition
  • Build Mental Toughness
  • They are funny !

The biggest advantage is that if you know what you're doing, you can manipulate them for any athlete you're working with and any physical quality they need to improve. And, you can repeat them and see an improvement, remember that adaptation we were talking about earlier?

Crossfit training for rugby

Access our crossfit training programs for rugby, click here.

So, let's put it all together and show a typical crossfit workout suitable for rugby.

Goal of the session: strength and power of the lower body.

Warm-up - Preparation of movements

Plyometrics - Putting the nervous system into action

hang clean 5×3

explosive strength

Olympic/Loaded Jump Variation

Hang Clean x5/4/3

main part of strength

Front Squat 4×5 @80% 1RM

Assist exercise - to strengthen muscle balance and prevent injury

Split Squat 3×5 each leg

Nordic hams 3×5


5 laps for time

5 Hang Snatch @50/35kg

10 wallball @9/7kg

2 calories row

1 minute rest



So I hope I have explained why Crossfit is not so bad and has many good points. I also hope I have explained why Crossfit for rugby is a great way to get in shape to meet the demands of the game and dominate the opposition.

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