WODs with minimal equipment
Dumbbells are a fundamental part of CrossFit training. You'll see them popping up in daily classes (WODs), team events, and competitions. Dumbbells are effective, easy to use, and offer the potential for some seriously challenging workouts.
We love them. And they're perfect for home workouts.
If you can't make it to the CrossFit gym, consider investing in a set of dumbbells. They're a great addition to any CrossFit home workout. Dumbbells are small, compact, and reasonably priced. You won't have to worry about breaking the bank or turning your living room into Mat Fraser's basement.
Although they seem simple enough, dumbbells are a versatile piece of equipment. They allow you to gain strength in ways that barbells can't.
Unlike other equipment, we can use dumbbells for unilateral exercises, that is, using only one limb. Training with a single limb helps to strengthen stability around the joint and develop our coordination.
This technique is also used to counteract muscular imbalances.
Dumbbells can also be added to your regular workouts. Incorporate them into a MetCon to improve your muscular endurance.
Or add dumbbell exercises to your accessory workout to improve your strength and stability. They can be used for compound lifts like cleans and thrusters, or for isolation exercises. In fact, dumbbells are versatile tools that are simply awesome.
At the risk of stating the obvious, you're going to need at least one dumbbell to get started. There are three main things to consider when purchasing dumbbells:
Weight - Choose a weight that is appropriate for your abilities and height.
Design - High quality and comfort mean more effective and safer workouts.
Price - Dumbbells don't have to cost a fortune, but you do get what you pay for.
For CrossFit fans, the standard competition barbell weight is 50lbs (22.5kg) for men and 35lbs (15kg) for women.
If you are an Rx athlete doing MetCon focused home training, I suggest investing in 50/30 lb dumbbells. For isolation exercises, you will need a range of weights.
But buying a bunch of bells of different weights isn't in most people's budget. And it's certainly not very practical in terms of space.
While adjustable weight dumbbells are popular, they aren't always the most practical for workouts and aren't really compatible with CrossFit or HIIT-style workouts. The best product we've found is the Rogue's Loadable Dumbbell.
Typically, adjustable products are bulky and difficult to maneuver when performing movements like alternating dumbbell snatches. Hexagon-style dumbbells are better because the flat edges prevent them from rolling.
The last thing you want when working out at home is damaged furniture or dumbbells rolling down the stairs, or worse.
You don't have to spend a fortune on your equipment, but try to choose a reputable manufacturer. The last thing you want is pieces of equipment breaking in your hands.
We love the Rogue Dumbbells .
Now that you have your equipment, let's look at some CrossFit dumbbell workouts you can do at home.

Open Workout 18.2: Dumbbell Style
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps for time:
Dumbbell Squat
Dumbbell Facing Burpees
A variation of the second open workout of 2018. Instead of doing burpees facing the bar, you will do burpees facing the dumbbells.
This workout is all about speed. You'll need to go fast without exploding at the start. Remember, this is an ascending rep ladder: things are going to get harder. You're going to have to do more reps while fatigued, so you need to work smart.
I recommend working sets 1-7 at about 70% of max effort. Rounds 8-9 will be the worst, you will be physically and mentally exhausted. Try to pick up the pace to 75% of max effort. Round 10 is your final stretch, go as hard as you can and hold on.
This is a tough workout and if you go too hard at first, expect to feel exhausted quickly.
If you can, perform the barbell squats without a break. Every time you pause, you have to pick the dumbbells back up, wasting precious seconds. If you must rest, pause at the top of the squat.
Squats are performed with the dumbbells held in a front rack position. For burpees, stay low. You don't need to reach full extension with every jump—keep your hip flexors engaged for squats. Be sure to jump over the dumbbell, not around it.
Full body hypertrophy
30 minutes of EMOM (5 sets):
- Minute 1: Shoulder Press
- Minute 2: Split Squat
- Minute 3: Push Ups
- Minute 4: Cyclist Squat
- Minute 5: Bent Over Rows
- Minute 6: Rest
Our full body hypertrophy workout focuses on building muscle and achieving a pump effect.
Inspired by the bodybuilding industry, this workout combines the principles of strength training with a CrossFit-style EMOM.
Set your CrossFit timer for 30 minutes. Every minute, complete as many repetitions of the designated exercise as possible. Stop after 50 seconds to give yourself time to prepare for the next move.
You'll only need one light or medium dumbbell for this workout. During shoulder presses, split squats, and bent-over rows, spend 25 seconds on each side. If you want a little more of a challenge, use two dumbbells for each move.
5 rounds for the time:
- 800m Run
- 15 Dumbbell Thrusters (2 x 45/35lbs)
- 15 Pull Ups
“Frelen” is a reference WOD inspired by two of CrossFit’s “girls,” Fran and Helen. Unlike Fran, this is not a sprint workout. Pace is important and you’ll need to play to your strengths.
Running should be used as a break or a chance to make up ground - depending on your running ability. Spread out the thrusters and pulls as needed, ideally doing similar sets each round.
"Frelen" includes movements that are not suitable for everyone's training environment.
If you can't run, do simple sit-ups for four minutes, or butt kicks if you don't have a rope. Pull-ups can be replaced with dumbbell stretches.
Leg workout
20 minutes of AMRAP:
- 10 Overhead Squats
- 25 Air Squats
- 50 Double Unders
The leg builder is a long conditioning piece designed to increase muscular endurance. Set your timer for 20 minutes, and start chaining exercises together.
Your goal is to complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Work this workout slowly and consistently, without taking long breaks.
Overhead squats are a difficult movement that requires good mobility. If you are not yet able to perform an overhead squat, try goblet squats.
The double down is a complex move that requires a lot of practice. If you spend more time tripping than jumping rope, do 100 single jumps instead.
"DT" with dumbbells
5 sets for time:
- 12 Dumbbell Deadlifts
- 9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
- 6 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
Dumbbell "DT" is a variation of the hero WOD "DT". This is a deceptively difficult workout that will burn your lungs as well as your muscles. The goal is to complete the workout as quickly as possible. A good score is around 8-9 minutes.
Working smart will help you get great results in this workout. Here are some tips to help you perform each move:
Maintain good form to prevent your back from exploding.
Don't drop the dumbbells on the 12th rep. You'll have to perform another deadlift to pick up the dumbbells for the cleans. Save yourself the effort and drop the dumbbells on the 11th rep if necessary.
Power Cleans in suspension:
Remember that dumbbell power cleans are performed in a hanging position, not on the floor.
Focus on getting your elbows under the dumbbells as quickly as possible.
Don't drop the dumbbells on the ninth movement.
From shoulder to head:
Perform shoulder pushes or curls. Strict clean and jerk exercises will burn out your shoulders quickly.
Dumbbells are a versatile piece of equipment and are perfect for CrossFit dumbbell workouts at home. No matter what your fitness goal is, dumbbells have a place in your workout.