Est-ce que le Cross-training est fait pour moi ? | Charlie Tango Fitness

Is Cross-training right for me?

If you've ever wondered why people run around parking lots with sandbags, you've come to the right place.

CrossFit can be AMAZING...for the right person, with the right trainer.

Are you still hesitating to get started? Fortunately, this article will help you see things more clearly!

The benefits of Crossfit

Important community aspect

Unlike a commercial gym, you get to know the people who come to your box. Most gyms have outings that LOTS of people show up to. There's always that sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

Constant supervision and support

In a commercial gym, you don't know if you're doing a good exercise or not. Although it's not a one-on-one workout, you'll be accompanied at each session to help you.

If you don't show up, not only do people notice, they call you and ask where you've been. The only time this happens in a commercial gym is when you miss a session with your overpaid trainer.


Because you can track how much weight you're lifting and know how many reps and sets you're doing, you can see steady improvement. You can also progress at your own pace, slowly working your way up to prescribed workouts.

Humiliating but encouraging

Yes, you can finish your workout on your back, but there is a sense of accomplishment when you complete a workout faster than the last time.


It's amazing how much you'll push yourself when you're surrounded by others who will encourage and compete with you.
She introduces SO many people to weightlifting, especially women who would never have attempted to get off the treadmill and into bodybuilding. It's like a gateway workout - you learn what you love and can specialize further from there.

It's a great outlet for former athletes who love competition. After playing competitive sports in high school and college, there's nothing left to do, and CrossFit provides such an outlet.

Find out what you're made of

CrossFit can teach you how to break through mental barriers, build stamina, and so much more. It can help you build fitness. While so many women say they want that "toned" look and try to achieve it with hours of cardio, those bodies are being built every day in CrossFit gyms.

Seriously, while their goal is performance over aesthetics, look at any serious female CrossFit athlete and tell me she doesn't look amazing!

Develops muscular endurance & general fitness

Your body is prepared for virtually any athletic situation with intelligent CrossFit programming.

The Disadvantages of Crossfit

Not very good for specialization

You become good at many things, but not at one thing in particular. If you want to be a great athlete or a top athlete, you better find a coach who specializes in that sport.

Lack of consistency

You rarely do the same workout twice, which makes it incredibly difficult to track your progress. You might lose a week of squat strength and be disappointed, but that's because you destroyed your legs two days earlier with 150 Wall Balls.

Strange programming

As you will read in another review later in this article, I disagree with some of the workouts that are prescribed in some CrossFit boxes. For example, some workouts may require high reps of holds; this is an Olympic lift that requires perfect form to perform successfully. Doing 30 reps of this is a sure way to sacrifice form and greatly increase your risk of injury.


CrossFit boxes can cost two or three times the monthly price of a commercial gym, and that's just for group classes, not for using the facilities whenever you want.
A bad trainer can REALLY cause problems - You're doing advanced movements that often take months of learning to do well; with heavy weights, this can lead to horrible injuries. Make sure you have a good trainer who doesn't rush you into anything!

A language that no one understands

Talking to a CrossFitter is like talking to someone in a foreign language. CrossFitters often forget that no one outside of them understands half of what they're saying, so they shout out accomplishments or feats and explain how fast they did specific exercises... but they don't realize that no one really cares!

You can become addicted!

This could be a pro or con, depending on how you look at it, but I know a lot of people who started going to a CrossFit and now all they do or talk about is CrossFit. After a month or two, for better or worse, you might find yourself married to your gym and your CrossFit community.

You'll run into people who think CrossFit is the perfect workout solution, and anyone who doesn't do CrossFit is a wimp. If you can do 20 push-ups, they can do 22, and they can do them faster than you, after doing 25 handstand push-ups and running a quarter mile. I tend to dislike elitists, no matter what their subject, and CrossFit is no exception.

Last word

First of all, I'm obviously a CrossFit fan. I do it regularly, but I didn't start with it and it's not all I do - so don't think I'm completely biased here :)

I think if you find the right box, CrossFit is a great sport for a lot of people.

It's different every day so it's never boring, someone writes down your workouts for you so you don't have to think about them, and it's fun.

When I don't introduce myself, people notice and ask me where I was.

It allows you to do things you wouldn't do on your own. I would never go running or rowing by myself - but if it's in the WOD, I have no choice.

Additionally, I'll do things I never would have done before (like yoga classes or spending a Saturday afternoon doing hill sprints) because I know it will help me have a better time competing later.

My final advice: If you are interested, try it. If you can afford it and enjoy it, do it. If you can't afford it or can't afford it, don't do it. And don't feel any worse for it :) I will always love you.

If you're someone who thinks like me, and you're looking for a Yoda to help you get stronger without having to join a particular gym or take classes at certain times, check out our workout programs!

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