This 36 minute workout is crazy!
Are you ready ? Are you ready to take the plunge? GOOD.
Because this CrossFit workout is going to take all your physical and mental effort to get through. But it's really worth it. You'll feel completely comfortable at the end, and you can count on the fact that you'll hurt all over later.
Each of the six exercises is shaped like a pyramid, so you'll stack up and then repeat upside down. We used to say that as the pyramid goes up, you do more minutes of each movement (uh, six minutes of air squats!? Yes!).
Our advice: enter the zone, as if you were running a long distance, and make it a moving meditation. Go at your own speed, even if it's slow; the goal is to keep moving.
If you're loading yourself a little heavier on the dumbbells, don't be afraid to put the dumbbells down and take a little break if you need to.
Full Body Cross-Fit Workout - Materials Needed:
- Pair of lightweight dumbbells
- Cardio machine (rower, bike, treadmill) - or run in place, jump rope or run outside
- Optional: ABMAT, a rounded mat that supports the lower back during sit-ups (it's not necessary, it's just nice!)
Instructions: After a five-minute warm-up and some dynamic stretching, start the timer and complete the 36-minute workout below. Progress from one exercise to the next, moving as fast as possible, with correct execution and with as little rest as possible.
- 1 minute: dumbbell thruster
- 2 minutes: dumbbell shoulder press
- 3 minutes: dumbbell bicep curl
- 4 minutes: ABMAT sit-ups (diamond sit-ups)
- 5 minutes: cardio machine
- 6 minutes: air squat
- 5 minutes: cardio machine
- 4 minutes: ABMAT sit-ups
- 3 minutes: dumbbell bicep curl
- 2 minutes: dumbbell shoulder press
- 1 minute: dumbbell thruster
Did you manage to make this WOD? Tell us in the comments what you thought!