Training During Pregnancy - First Trimester
Although many women may be hesitant to exercise during the first trimester of pregnancy, it is perfectly safe when done correctly and even has many benefits.
It can even help with early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and mood swings, which can be incredibly intense during the first trimester due to the huge hormonal swings you'll experience.
Exercising three times a week, in 30-minute sessions, is always good during your first trimester, even if you're at a beginner to moderate fitness level.
If you are used to working out longer or more frequently, you can try to maintain this routine, but it is essential not to over exert yourself - listen to your body. If you feel cramps or tire more easily than before, reduce your effort.
Most personal trainers will tell you that you can do the same exercises in the first trimester that you did before conception, because there aren't a lot of physical changes that happen in the first trimester - at least those that would have an impact on physical fitness.
We have developed an example workout for the first trimester. Remember that it is based on an intermediate level of fitness before conception, and it is also advisable to consult your doctor before embarking on any new workout routine during pregnancy.
Start by warming up with light stretches, sitting on the floor with your legs open, leaning from side to side. You don't need to do a full stretch because you don't want to put too much pressure on yourself - just stretch 70% of the normal distance.
The hormone relaxin is at its highest level in your body during the first trimester. This helps prevent the uterus from contracting, making implantation easier.
It also relaxes the pelvic muscles, so keep that in mind and don't go overboard with stretching or squatting, even if you feel like it's possible.
Then do 10 to 20 minutes of cardio. You can run different cardio machines every day so you don't get bored.
If you jogged or ran before your pregnancy, you can usually continue to exercise because your muscles and joints have built up some resistance.
However, if this is not the case, it is better to opt for a lower-impact form of cardio, such as a cross-trainer or a stationary bike, because the increased levels of relaxin in your body (as mentioned above above) will have weakened your joints and muscles, making you more vulnerable to strain or injury.
Start with a brisk walk (6 km/h) for 1-2 minutes to gradually warm up before moving up to a jogging speed that matches your comfort level (8-11 km/h).
Aim for a resistance level of 4 and keep the RPM above 100. You can use an upright bike or stationary bike until 12 weeks pregnant, as your uterus has not yet passed the edge of the pelvis , which will happen in the second trimester.
But if you're considering buying or renting an exercise bike, a recumbent bike is a better option because your posture on a recumbent bike puts less stress on your uterus and can be used throughout pregnancy.
It is important not to exercise too much. Keep your heart rate below 140 beats per minute and use your device's electronic monitor to monitor it.
You should also avoid overheating your body (which can exceed 39°C), especially during the first trimester, as your baby's vital organs are developing during this time. The fetus is very sensitive to small changes in your body, and overheating during your workout is a bigger problem now than at any other time in pregnancy.
For strength exercises, stick to 3 sets of 15 reps each.
Choose a mix of 5-7 strength training exercises, mixing weight machines, free weights, and ball and mat exercises - some ideas below:
For abs, avoid crossover sit-ups, seated sit-ups, and crunches. Instead, lie with your back on an exercise mat and your feet on an exercise ball. Keep your palms flat on the floor for stability. Gently work your abdominal muscles and lift your hips off the floor. Keep your hips aligned with your feet and don't overload your back.
Avoid traditional push-ups which can put too much pressure on the core. Instead, use the ball for push-ups by pressing it against the wall and slowly moving away to work your chest.
Finish with 5 minutes on the treadmill, walking on a low resistance and speed setting to cool down.
This section discusses how to exercise safely during the second trimester. Many women report feeling a boost of energy in the second trimester, compared to the sluggishness of the first.
It is therefore the perfect time to exercise and maintain your form. As with any stage of pregnancy, it's important not to overwork yourself. Never attempt an exercise you weren't able to do before pregnancy, and keep the intensity low enough to carry on a conversation during the workout.
Avoid any activity that involves changes in altitude or pressure, such as rock climbing or scuba diving.
That said, you can still do most of the exercises you normally do, as long as your doctor has confirmed that your pregnancy is healthy and it's safe to exercise.
Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about what is or is not safe for your growing baby.
During your second trimester, you can still exercise at a normal frequency, which is 30 minutes, three to five days a week. If you're an avid exerciser and usually train more than that, it's safe to continue doing so. However, always listen to what your body is telling you and take breaks or end your workout early if necessary.
The exercises suggested here assume an intermediate level of fitness and are intended for someone who exercises regularly. Always consult your doctor before starting a new fitness program.
During the second trimester, your cardiovascular system cannot respond as quickly as it normally does. It is therefore important to increase your heart rate slowly to make it easier for you to take on more difficult exercises.
Start with a short walk to get your blood pumping, then do light stretches and calisthenics.
Allow your body to warm up for at least 10-15 minutes before you begin your workout.
Stretch only until you are comfortable and avoid stretches that crunch or put too much pressure on the abdomen. Remember not to overwork yourself.
During the second trimester, your center of gravity moves much lower, so it's important to be careful not to trip and fall while walking or running.
You can spend 20 minutes on the treadmill, cross-trainer, or stationary bike on different days to keep your workouts fresh, or do shorter periods on each of them in one session. Make your choice :
When using a treadmill, aim for about 60-70% of your usual running pace. If you were running at 8-11 km/h before pregnancy, reduce it to a slower jog - around 7-8 km/h. Use the handrails to reduce the risk of falling.
If you prefer to walk on an incline on the treadmill, keep it at 45 degrees or less to avoid putting too much pressure on your abdomen.
Although stationary bikes are a very enjoyable and low-intensity form of exercise, you may find your pelvis uncomfortable at this stage of pregnancy. A recumbent bike is a better option for pregnant women and can be used for all three trimesters. Again, don't push the RPM too hard, keeping it between 90 and 100.
Take precautions to avoid falls
Exercise at a lower intensity than before pregnancy.
During the second trimester, the ligaments in your pelvis begin to relax to prepare your body for childbirth. Use this time to focus on strengthening your hip and core muscles to compensate for loose ligaments. Some exercises to try:
- Step-Ups - Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step up onto a box or bench about halfway up the shin and back down, alternating legs.
- Modified Side Planks - Lie on your side with your knees bent, leaning on your elbow, engage your core to lift your hips so your body forms a straight line through your feet. If that's too difficult, put your knees on the floor and lift your hips from there.
- Squats - Holding a dumbbell in front of you with both hands, bend your knees to squat. Since your pelvic ligaments are looser, it's important not to squat all the way. Aim to reach about two-thirds of the way down, then engage your glutes to get back up.
Use lighter weights than before pregnancy
Avoid twisting movements
Don't crouch too low
Avoid abdominal muscle exercises that involve scrunching the abdomen
Walk at a relaxed pace for 5-10 minutes to allow your breathing and heart rate to return to normal.
This final section discusses how to exercise safely during the third trimester. Exercising can be more difficult during this time because your belly is much bigger and you will probably have less energy than during the second trimester.
As your due date approaches, check with your doctor to make sure you can still exercise safely. Unless you're at risk of having a premature birth, it's probably a good idea to continue exercising at a lower intensity.
During your third trimester, you probably don't have the energy to exercise five days a week. If so, that's great!
At this point, it's okay to cut back to three days a week if you need to. Pay attention to the signals your body is sending you, and be careful not to overwork yourself.
For the exercises that follow, we assume an intermediate level of fitness for a woman who exercises regularly and has continued to do so throughout her pregnancy. Remember to always check with your doctor to make sure exercise is safe for you and your baby.
As you enter your third trimester, your body can't react as quickly as it usually does, so it's crucial that you take the time to gradually get your heart rate up.
Start by setting the treadmill to a speed of around 3-4 km/h and gradually increase the speed to 5-6 km/h within 10-15 minutes of warming up.
Now that your belly is bigger (and heavier!), you should avoid any exercise that involves a lot of jumping or bouncing.
Focus on low-impact exercises on the treadmill or cross-trainer, which are easier on your knees and ankles (which are already under pressure) than road running.
Or if you like exercise on the bike, stay on the recumbent bike because upright bikes and spinning bikes put too much pressure on your abdomen.
Choose the cardio workout that's right for you from the options below, or mix and match by day. Try to do a 20-30 minute workout.
If you've been running throughout your pregnancy, you can continue jogging in your third trimester, but keep it at an easy, relaxed pace. Later in the third trimester, you may start to think that walking is a more suitable option.
Stick to a walking speed of between 6 and 7 km/h or a jogging speed of between 7 and 8 km/h - the higher the speed, the more likely you are to raise your heart rate and strain your abdomen. Aim for around 50% of your maximum effort and feel free to take rest breaks as often as needed.
Many women find stationary bikes too uncomfortable at this late stage of pregnancy, so try a recumbent bike instead. The lying position will be much more comfortable. Pedal at about 40% of your maximum effort.
During the third trimester, your joints and ligaments are much looser than usual, due to the hormone relaxin, which prepares your body for the birth of your baby.
So be content with only light weights to avoid putting too much strain on your muscles and ligaments. It's also important, now more than ever, not to hold your breath when doing resistance exercises, so you don't pass out.
Try some of these exercises, doing 2 or 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps each.
- Vertical and lateral raises - While standing, lean forward so that your back is parallel to the floor. With a light weight in each hand, alternate raising your arms to the sides and raising your arms forward beside your head.
- Cat - Cow - Start on all fours, then let your belly hang down to the floor, creating a slight curve in your lower back. Next, arch your back toward the ceiling and pull your belly button toward your spine. Keep alternating between the two poses.
- Clam - Lying on your side with your knees bent and feet together, raise the top of the knee so your legs and hips open. Do several reps on one side before switching to the other.
- Use only light weights or resistance
- Don't hold your breath
- Avoid exercises that require lying on your back or doing sit-ups