Forge your own sun-and-sand-ready physique with this workout plan from Efron's trainer.
It's a safe bet that Baywatch will become the biggest blockbuster of summer 2017. But what is not so clear is who the public will be eyeing the most - busty beach bunnies in bikinis or the pumped up, hard bodied muscular men in the cast.
Dwayne Johnson's "Rock" physique already has legions of fans, but the transformation of co-star Zac Efron (who rose to fame in the hit teen film High School Musical ) shocked the world. According to Efron's trainer, Patrick Murphy, the actor reached 5% body fat after just 12 weeks of training. Would you like to do something similar? Read on and you can.
Efron's workout was constantly evolving, so Murphy condensed the best of his training into three days, working back and biceps one day, legs another, and shoulders, chest, and arms on day three (abs are in there too, a little bit each day).
The main feature of the workouts is the superset, that is, doing two consecutive exercises without rest in between. Not only does this approach save time, it also serves as cardio, burning more calories and improving the “pump” that drives more nutritious blood to the muscles for rapid growth.
Since it was important that Efron not only look like a lifeguard, but also be able to perform like one, some of the exercises are explosive to develop speed and agility as well as muscle mass. See you soon on the beach.
Perform each workout (Day I, II, and III) once a week, resting one day between each session.
Exercises are paired (marked A and B) and performed in supersets – complete a set of A then B before resting for 60 seconds. Repeat for all prescribed sets before moving on to the next pair.
Day I: Back and biceps

Day II: Legs

Day III: Shoulders, Chest and Arms