L'entraînement fonctionnel pour les débutants : Comment bien bouger peut améliorer votre vie quotidienne ? | Charlie Tango Fitness

Functional Training for Beginners: How Moving Well Can Improve Your Daily Life

We talk about CrossFit all the time, and what CrossFit is: it's something that, in more general terms, is known as functional training. If this concept is completely new to you, you might be wondering why all the fuss and why so many people incorporate functional training programs into their workout regimen.

In this article, we'll cover the absolute basics of what functional training is, and how you can use it to improve your fitness, as well as your everyday well-being.

Why is it called functional training?

This is the part that people are usually confused at first; what's so functional about CrossFit and the programs that call themselves CrossFit, compared to the sprint, lifting, or strength training you might be used to?

Let's be clear: we're not here to stop you from running, swimming, rowing or doing anything else. We are simply focusing on the type of activities that you may have seen our Velites athletes doing.

LeCrossFit defines its objective as the establishment of a "general physical preparation". That's a pretty decent definition of what functional training is. Functional training works your whole body, gets you moving in all directions, so you're ready for whatever life throws at you.

More specifically, functional training aims to make the different parts of your body work together. For example, if you're a gym rat, you may spend a lot of time isolating certain muscles. Functional training allows you to use your legs and core, in conjunction with your back and shoulders. This is a full body workout, but done all at once, not in isolated stages.

Functional training for injury prevention

Functional training promotes greater body awareness, which can put you in better alignment with what your body is telling you. When your body functions as a whole, as one connected machine, you are much less likely to experience injuries, aches and pains in your daily life.

It can be as simple as strengthening your core to relieve pressure on your lower back, and being mindful of the position of your head in relation to the rest of your body, for example, can help reduce pain. cervical. You'll learn all of this by incorporating more functional movements into your routine.

It's about getting back in touch with the way your body is supposed to move. Most of us spend too much time sitting or moving around in repetitive patterns. Functional training involves reintroducing the kind of movements you did as a child: squats, jumps, climbs, pushes, and pulls. Functional training is about using your body the way it's meant to be.

5 functional routines to try in your box (maybe)

All of these routines are from CrossFit.com, and functional training master Ben Bergeron. Bergeron currently programs some of the best CrossFit athletes in the world, and his workout routines have created champions in both men's and women's divisions. For each routine, we've described what makes it such a great example of functional training.

Note: You may not be advanced enough to give all of these exercises a chance, but this gives you a good idea of ​​what functional training is all about.

3 laps for time:

400m TrueForm Run (you can use a treadmill or run outside)

10 Clean & Jerk (155/105)

20 Chest to bar pull-ups

Why this workout is awesome: Functional training combines cardiovascular endurance with strength and technique. This workout has all three. Since it's only three laps, it's designed to be a sprint. So it's all about how you can maintain your form on those clean, choppy rungs, after running 400m.

Next, when you're on the pull-ups, how well can you move your whole body to get maximum efficiency from the movement?

For the time :

Thrusters, 15 reps

Sumo deadlift high pulls, 21 reps

Thrusters, 12 reps

Sumo deadlift high pulls, 15 reps

Thrusters, 9 reps

Sumo deadlift high pulls, 9 reps

Why this workout is awesome: This is a classic combination of pushing and pulling that challenges your strength and gets your heart rate up. If you want to get the most out of it, you'll also need to watch your form, which adds an extra level of complexity.

For the time :

Run 800 meters weighted at 5/15kg

Then, 14 rounds of:

5 strict pull-ups

4 burpees box jumps

3 cleans

Then, run 800 meters weighted 5/15

Why this workout is awesome: Doing a run at the start and end of this workout forces you to consider your pace, as do the 14 laps of work. This workout is a near-perfect example of full-body functional fitness, involving your cardiovascular system, pushing and pulling movements, as well as strength and calisthenics.

3 series for time:

One minute squat
One minute rest

One minute pull-ups

One minute rest

One minute of power cleans

One minute rest

Why this workout is awesome: Because rest is programmed into the workout, you're expected to put effort into those working minutes. This is an opportunity to test the communication capacity of the upper and lower body, in order to obtain the best possible performance.


Power Snatch (75/55)

wallball (20/14)

Cal Row

Why this workout is awesome: Whenever you see a downward pattern in functional training, it usually means "sprint." But, when that same workout has a row of calories, the workout becomes more of a technical exercise. It's a great workout for combining pushing and pulling movements, as well as high-level sustained endurance.

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