
The 3 Best Peg Boards for CrossFit (and How to Use Them Effectively)

While pegboards could be found in some fitness circles and climbing gyms for many years, they have more recently found their way into CrossFit gyms around the world.

Climbing a pegboard is an advanced exercise that increases arm and back strength, as well as stability. If your grip strength is lacking, adding a pegboard to your workout should be a no-brainer. There's a reason climbers use it in training!

Here's a beginner's guide to using this equipment, along with the 3 best peg boards for CrossFit.

What is a peg board?

Made famous by his debut at CrossFit Games 2015 , the peg board is a fitness tool used to strengthen the upper body.

Drilled into the wall, users climb onto the pegboard using two wooden pegs. Placed inside the holes that go up the board, a "rep" is counted each time you reach the top of the peg board.

(Or, in the case of a CrossFit competition, when you've reached the top and managed to climb back up to the bottom. Jumping off the top = no reps. Not to mention your ankles will be stuck at the top.)

Perforated board: muscular work

In a CrossFit workout, the peg board touches your:

  • Arm . Your biceps and forearms have to work incredibly hard to keep you on the pegboard. The pegboard workout is amazing for increasing grip and pulling strength.
  • Shoulders . Your deltoids help generate force from the shoulder to your hands as you step onto the board. The rear deltoids help stabilize the arm which does not go up or down.
  • Top of the back . Your rhomboids and trapezius (traps) stabilize you on the board.
  • middle back . As with pull-ups, your lats generate much of the pulling force that helps you move up and down.
  • Abdominal Strap . Without tight abs and active obliques, scaling the pegboard would be impossible.

The best pegboards available

Below are the three best pegboards for CrossFit.

*Safety Tip: If you're installing a pegboard for CrossFit in your home gym, make sure the wall you're mounting your panel to can hold it. Consult a handyman if in doubt!

Best peg board for CrossFit

Cheaper but good alternative

Xebex 2.0 Air Rower

The original pegboards at the Games were plain, but Rogue's staple is the PB-1 Echo. You'll find these at most CrossFit gyms with pegboards. There is no better option on the market.


  • 95 inches tall (nearly 8 feet of vertical climbing space)
  • High quality maple wood
  • No polyurethane finish, so you can paint to match your gym/brand if you wish.
  • 35 holes up and down
  • Comes with pegs
  • 90 day warranty

The inconvenients

  • Due to the height, high ceilings are required
  • May need to pay for professional installation

Rogue also offers a more expensive pine option with a metal Rogue nameplate and a premium maple product, both with a polyurethane finish. But unless you plan to specialize in pegboard or use it for heavy rock climbing training, the PB-1 model should do the trick.

Affordable/Budget Pegboard for CrossFit

If you see the pegboard as just a fun piece of equipment to add to your home gym, the Plyobox Warehouse model has a lot to offer. It's cheaper than the Rogue PB-1, and if you're building a home gym without a low ceiling, it might actually be the better option.


  • Made from 3/4 inch double ply plywood
  • Robust design
  • Shorter than Rogue's PB-1 (5 feet of climbing space)
  • Custom engraving options available for home gym/CrossFit box brand
  • Comes with 2 pegs

The inconvenients

  • Mounting hardware isn't included, so you'll either have to buy it yourself or hire someone to install it in your gym.

Beginner perforated board for CrossFit

Beginners can also use a pegboard. Whether that sounds like a fun goal or you've just done your first pull-up and are excited for something new, the Synergee pegboard is a great option.

Benefits and Specifications:

  • 1.5 cm thick, made of quality plywood
  • 8cm option available if you have higher ceilings and/or want a longer plank
  • Comes with all mounting hardware
  • Staggered hole placement provides a unique wall climbing challenge

The 4-leg option gives you room to practice the pegboard without a rep seeming overwhelming.

Tips for improving the peg board

Mastering the pegboard for CrossFit isn't the easiest thing in the world. Here are some tips to help you learn the basics.

Practice one hole at a time

Even athletes who can do a lot of pull-ups sometimes have trouble reaching the top of the pegboard.

If you can't climb that high, focus on half or even quarter. If you're new, focus on going up a series of holes and back down for a week or two. With enough reps, you can eventually climb the whole thing.

*Placing a cushion or mat under you in case you fall can be a good option if you are afraid of falling.

Work on grip strength

For many, grip strength is the limiting factor on pegboard. Start practicing these exercises to increase forearm strength and endurance:

  • buy one Captains of Crush grip strength trainer
  • Train suspend yourself from a pull-up bar
  • add scap pull-ups your warm-up or cool-down (activation exercise that works the back and forearms)
  • Farmer carry
  • Strongman workout with dumbbells or thick shaft dumbbells

Combine with push up/cardio exercises

Once you've successfully climbed the board once or twice, you're free to add perforated boards to your CrossFit WODs.

For effective programming, treat the pegboard as you would a rock climbing, strength training, or pull-up workout. It won't be exactly the same, but at least it will help you associate fewer "pulling" movements.

Good pairings include:

  • Thrusting exercises, such as bench presses, push-ups, thrusters, and jerks
  • Cardio exercises like running, rowing, assault biking, or double unders

Peg Board: Workout Ideas

1. CrossFit Games 2015 Final WOD

For time:

  • 3 Pegboard Climbs
  • 24 calorie row
  • 16 calorie assault bike
  • 8 Dumbbell Squat Snatches

2. Peg Board Annie


  • Double unders
  • Sit-ups
  • 2 Pegboard mounted between sets

3. Peg Board Couplet WOD

For Time:

  • 15 Thrusters,
  • 3 Pegboard climbs
  • 12 Thrusters,
  • 3 Pegboard Climbs
  • 9 Thrusters,
  • 3 Pegboard Climbs
  • 6 Thrusters,
  • 3 Pegboard Climbs

4. AMRAP Pegboard WOD


  • 30 Wallball Shots,
  • 15 Assault Bike Calories
  • 1 Peg Board Climb

5. Grip Strength Challenge WOD

5 Rounds for Time:

  • 2 Pegboard Climbs
  • 50m Farmer's Carry, kettlebells
  • 10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups
  • 400m run
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