Les 5 meilleurs mouvements pour faire grossir vos cuisses | Charlie Tango Fitness

The 5 Best Moves to Make Your Thighs Bigger

How to make your thighs bigger?

In the midst of a pandemic, things can get tough for hypertrophy training when you don’t have a good gym to train in. There are certainly workarounds when a lifter’s upper body is facing this challenge; bodyweight pull-ups, overhead push-ups, and various strength training exercises can be challenging and deliver results, especially for big, muscular guys.

When it comes to the lower body, squat and lunge variations can be a bit tiring in your programming playbook. Giving your quads a new workout is beneficial, especially if you have limited resources to do so.

Just like you shouldn't skip leg day when the gym is open, your lower body shouldn't suffer during quarantine. Here are five bodyweight moves you can do anywhere that will force your muscles to grow.

Leg Extension - Version 1

The rules here are simple: Make sure your glutes are tight and your body moves as a unit from knee to shoulder. Once your body is hinged at the hip, you've lost a lot of tension in your quads. You won't need much range of motion to work through the hard stuff, especially if you're heavy.

In addition to quad strength, this move strengthens the knee joint and is also one of the few quad exercises that allows the quads to contract from a lying position, to optimize the length-to-tension ratio. If you think about it, it's a rare treat.

It's an amazing challenge and for most lifters, body weight alone is enough.

Leg Extension - Version 2

This involves isolating one leg at a time, assuming the plank position is correct. This leg extension movement requires nothing more than an elevated surface to place the top foot on, with the emphasis then being on nothing more than keeping the hips high while lowering the knee of the working leg to the ground as far as possible.

This is basically a terminal knee extension disguised as a plank, and it’s sure to fire up the quads. I like to use it as a finisher for workouts, and the key is to aim for high reps.


Reverse Hyperextension

Bench Reverse Hyperextensions

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up and perform the reverse hyperextension correctly.

Step 1: Assume a lying position, either in a hyperextension machine or on the glute ham raise developer.
The hips should be at the end of the pads, allowing the lifter's hips to flex freely without the lower back extending and flexing excessively.

Step 2: The legs should be kept straight and the core contracted to minimize excessive lumbar extension.

Be sure to keep the chest forward on the pad, allowing the hamstrings to lengthen as the legs lower toward the floor.

Step 3: Raise your legs using your hamstrings and glutes, with minimal jerking in your upper torso.

The jerking of the upper torso during movement causes excessive strain on the lower back.

Step 4: With your legs moving in a controlled, yet fluid manner, let the momentum help you complete part of the movement.

Although you can also perform this movement strictly, increasing fluidity and using some momentum in the movement can increase the tension and growth time.

Step 5: When you are finished, be sure to slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.

This will limit any loss of control, as one lifter completes each set, reducing strain on the lower back.

Muscles worked

Reverse hyperextension can be done on a machine, a bench, or even upside down on the GHD machine. The key is to allow full flexion and extension of the hips, while keeping the torso and lower back (lumbar spine) neutral. By doing this, you allow the muscles below to be targeted and trained.

Bulgarian Squat

The Bulgarian Squat

This challenging movement focuses on glute and thigh strength, lumbopelvic stability, knee and ankle alignment, hip mobility, and foot strength. In addition, it engages the deep musculature of the body and the proprioceptive abilities of the nervous system.

For all the good this move does, it's also an easy exercise to mess up. Positioning is key, and it takes trial and error to find your balance, both in the front and back legs.

1. Stand two to three feet in front of a knee-high platform. Extend your right leg behind you and place your toes on the bench. Toes can be flat or bent, depending on your personal preference. Keep your hips and shoulders square.

2. Keeping your torso straight, slowly lower your right knee toward the floor. Your front knee will be at about a 90-degree angle (it can go further, depending on your mobility; just make sure your knee doesn't collapse inward).

Tip : Make sure your weight is evenly distributed across your entire foot. Don't push forward on your toes or overdo the push on your heel.

3. 3. Reverse the movement and return to the starting position.


Sissy Squat

sissy squat

Starting position:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your heels raised on a block or step.
Your toes should be on the floor, pointing straight forward.
Put your hands on your hips.
Bend your knees slightly and tilt your body back so that the line is straight from your knees to your neck.
Engage your core, this will help keep your body straight.

Execution :

Lower your body into a squat position by bending your knees and leaning your body back.
Crouch down as low as you can without losing your balance.
Hold the position for 3 seconds.
Return to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise.

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