Although CrossFit is often criticized as the cause of many training injuries, research shows that it is no worse than other weightlifting or Olympic weightlifting activities, and has a lower risk than some competitive contact sports. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research calculated that CrossFit had an injury rate of 3.1 per 1,000 hours of training.
Read on to learn the basics of CrossFit, from the lingo to sample workouts.
BOX: A gym specializing in CrossFit.
AMRAP: As many repetitions as possible. In a CrossFit routine, you may be asked to do the AMRAP of a series of exercises in a set time.
WOD: Workout of the day. One of the reasons CrossFitters love it - they never get bored because the routine is constantly changing.
KIP: A rocking motion that uses momentum to complete a pullup.
MUSCLE UP: A combination of pullup and ring dip.
GOAT: Movement or movement that you do not master.
YBF: You'll be fine.
This popular WOD uses only your body weight as resistance. If you can't do full pull-ups, use power pull-ups, jump pull-ups, or even pull-ups.
Do as many sets as possible in 20 minutes:
5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats.
One of the most popular CrossFit benchmark workouts is called “Murph,” named after Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy who was killed in Afghanistan in 2005. He used to do this workout himself, which he called "Body Armor".
For the time :
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups*
300 squats*
1.5 km run
*Distribute pull-ups, push-ups and squats as needed.
STRENGTHS: shoulders, back and knees.
More than 500 athletes from 18 countries around the world gather in Carson, California each year in July for the CrossFit Games. There are more than a dozen challenging events, ranging from swimming in the sea to carrying sandbags. (The actual activities change each year, and they are only announced just before each event). Last year's winner, Iceland's Katrin Davidsdottir, 23, is training to defend her title.
17: Number of years since we started hearing about CrossFit (founder Greg Glassman opened the first CrossFit center in Santa Cruz, CA, in 2000).
13,000: Current estimated number of CrossFit sites worldwide, with over 35,000 accredited trainers and over 10 million CrossFitters (nearly 60% of whom are women).
12.3: Number of calories a woman burns, on average, per minute during a CrossFit workout.
1. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Improvements
2. Stamina
3. Strength
4. Balance
5. Accuracy
6. Flexibility
7. Power
8. Speed
9. Coordination
10. Agility