Ouvrir une box  : 8 étapes pour avoir sa propre salle | Charlie Tango Fitness

Open a box: 8 steps to have your own room

These days, more and more people are discovering that their favorite way to exercise is rope climbing, weight lifting, swinging a kettlebell...etc.

It's not just about bodybuilders who are training for a competition; these fitness aficionados are your neighbors, friends and colleagues, who have joined millions of others in the CrossFit craze.

Whether CrossFit is your favorite workout or you're a gym owner looking to branch out and start a new business, opening a CrossFit gym could be a great business choice for you.

In 2018, there were over 15,000 CrossFit gyms worldwide, in 162 countries. The 10,000th affiliated gym was officially opened in London in 2014. A far cry from the original, low-key CrossFit gym – essentially a gathering of friends who enjoyed working out together – that opened in Santa Cruz , California, in 2000 by founder Greg Glassman.

In 2004, Glassman began teaching his seminars regularly and the affiliation process was finalized. Today, CrossFit has become much more than a fitness program.

If you want to open a CrossFit gym, check out the steps to do so below.

Open a CrossFit center in 8 steps 

Opening a CrossFit gym involves specific training and obtaining a license, but it's not much more complicated than opening a regular gym. Below are the steps for opening your new CrossFit business.

Step 1: Choose your box name and business entity

This is the first step in starting a business, you want to have a name in mind and the business entity too before you get into too much planning.

When choosing your business name, make sure it clearly states that you are opening a CrossFit box.

Typical names for CrossFit gyms are usually descriptive of their location (e.g. CrossFit Portland, North Shore CrossFit) or motivating in some other way (PURE Fitness CrossFit, Level 10 CrossFit).

You'll want to make sure that your ideal business name is available in your area and that you can purchase a domain associated with it.

You can check if a business name is available online and if the name is not already in use by another business, you can go there.

You usually have the option of reserving the name if you wish until the time of official registration of your business. If you don't trust this process and can afford it, you can consult a lawyer.

At this time, you should also choose a business entity for your new CrossFit gym. You may want to go with a company that offers owners some liability protection.

A limited liability company or limited liability company may be the smartest option for you if you are looking for some liability protection.

Step 2: Write a business plan

The second step in opening a CrossFit gym is the same for almost every business: Write a business plan. When writing a business plan, there are many things to consider and make sure you include them. It can be helpful to use a business plan template to make sure you cover all your bases.

You need to make sure your business plan covers an overview of your CrossFit gym, market analysis including your competitors and the needs you are looking to fill, business organization (this is i.e. whether you will have partners), your marketing and sales plan, and finally, your financial plan and projections.

It will take a lot of work, but you'll be glad you did when it comes time to find investors or apply for loans. It can even help you with the day-to-day tasks of getting your business started.

Most of all, you want to make sure that your business fills a need and that you will be able to attract enough customers to stay in business once you have invested so much in setting up and running your business.

If there are already a number of CrossFit gyms in your area, you may be losing customers. One of the most common reasons small businesses fail is lack of demand for their services or products.

Step 3: Get Certified, Pay CrossFit Fees

Before you can open your CrossFit gym, you will need to obtain certifications and pay fees. You will need to become a level 1 trainer if you open a CrossFit box. To do this, members sign up for a weekend workshop, which costs €1,000 (this amount may vary).

Once trainers are certified, they can open their own personal CrossFit gym. You must also take into account the fees that you will have to pay to the organization Crossfit.

This fee for opening a CrossFit center is necessary if you want your center to be officially affiliated. License fees are due annually. So keep that in mind when setting your budget for the year.

Step 4: Register your business and get an employer identification number

You are not done with paperwork and registrations. You still need to register the business itself and obtain an Employer Identification Number, also known as an EIN.

If you plan to use an "as" business name for your business, you will need to register with your state. Sole proprietors usually choose to do this, but if you are setting up an LLC, you can do this as well.

Indeed, this will allow you to open more than one establishment, when the time comes, without having to create a whole new legal entity for this second establishment.

You will also need an EIN number and you will need to register to pay your taxes. You can apply for an employer identification number online.

If you register online, you should receive an EIN within minutes. Gyms that don't employ other people don't need an EIN, but it's a good thing because it can make it easier to pay taxes, get a checking account, and get business loans.

Registering to pay taxes varies depending on the country you are in, so check out this resource to learn more.

Step 5: Obtain financing for the opening of your CrossFit gym

Although the cost of opening a CrossFit gym may seem low at first, when you factor in certification fees, license fees, rent, cost of equipment, taxes, employees, etc

If you are looking for start-up financing, there are several options available to you. You can benefit from a loan, a business loan, equipment financing or a personal loan.

Another option to help finance the opening of a CrossFit gym is equipment financing. These loans are usually a fairly quick way to get the necessary funds for equipment, which your gym will definitely need, and the equipment itself can then serve as collateral for the loan.

Step 6: Find gym space, get permits

Next, you'll want to get a space for your gym, or maybe you already have one in mind that you showed lenders while trying to get a loan in the previous step. In any case, you will need a space and you will have to convert it into a gym.

Consider the type of equipment, square footage, amenities you want to offer, and more when choosing a space. Many CrossFit gyms are located in warehouses that provide plenty of space and parking for customers.

The ideal space allows for lots of noise, isn't cramped, and has some features that clients can incorporate into their workouts. For example, if the box of CrossFit you open is near the beach, sand workouts can be a bragging attraction.

You may also need permits to do construction work and set up the gymnasium properly for customers to work in.

Check with your local government about any regulations your gym must follow or any permits you need to modify or upgrade it. You need to be thorough as this could cost you fines or even legal action.

Step 7: Get a business checking account, credit card

You'll need a business checking account and a business credit card to get your business on the right track.

Both will help you build your business credit and completely separate your personal and business finances, which you'll be grateful for as tax time approaches.

There are many business current accounts, all offering different benefits. You'll probably want to choose one that's free, if possible.

Finding the right account for you can take some time, but you can start by checking with the bank you already use for your personal banking to find out what they offer for businesses.

A business credit card is also very useful, because you can isolate the business expenses of this card and separate them from your personal expenses.

Just as there are a number of checking accounts, there are just as many business credit cards. The main thing is to use the card and pay it back on time.

You'll want to use this card to make business purchases and ask the vendors you buy from to let you know that you're paying them on time, or even in advance. It can really help you improve your business credit rating.

Step 8: Get Trade Assurance

CrossFit requires business owners who open their own CrossFit boxes to show proof of insurance. Opening a CrossFit gym comes with some risks that opening another business does not.

People will work out, use equipment, step on things they can trip over, and engage in other potentially dangerous activities. You'll need to purchase business insurance for a whole host of scenarios, so if something happens to someone while they're at your gym, the business is covered.

You also want to be covered in the event of theft or damage to equipment, and you may want to consider insuring the instructors you hire as well.

Cost of launching a CrossFit box

After reading all these steps, you might be wondering how much does it cost to open a CrossFit box? If we retrace our steps, you will find that the following expenses are obvious:

  • CrossFit certification (€1,000)
  • CrossFit license fee (€3,000)
  • License to operate a gymnasium in your state or locality
  • Equipment costs
  • Business insurance
  • Rent
  • Taxes
  • Employees
  • Marketing
  • Cost of capital

Other than certification and licensing fees, everything will vary depending on where your business is located and the level of service you want to offer. If you're trying to figure out how much financing to seek, here are the costs you should keep in mind:


Your biggest expense will be the rent you pay for your CrossFit facility. Indeed, you will need a large enough space, with high ceilings, that can accommodate classes of at least 20 people.

No matter what market your business is in, such spaces don't come cheap.


CrossFit gym equipment includes dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, gym rings, rowing machines, jump ropes, normal ropes, and maybe a whole lot more.

These costs vary greatly from supplier to supplier, but if you buy in bulk you may be able to get discounted rates. We recommend that you set aside between 5,000 and 10,000 euros for equipment costs at the start.

This will probably give you enough gear to start forming small classes. As your classes grow, you can buy more gear and replace old gear.


Your second biggest expense will likely be for employees, as you probably won't be able to run the gym and teach all of the classes (unless it's not for long). The average hourly wage for a Certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer is $15. If you hire a full-time trainer, don't forget about additional costs like health insurance and social security.


The last big ongoing expense you need to plan for when opening a CrossFit fitness center is your business insurance. It's not only mandatory, but you'll be happy to have it if something happens.

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