Pas de banc ? Pas de problème - 7 exercices de pectoraux avec haltères sans banc

No bench? No problem - 7 chest exercises with dumbbells without a bench

You plan your chest workout. You arrive at the gymnasium, and all the benches are taken. Or maybe you're working out at home and don't have any equipment other than your dumbbell set. Whatever the reason, you need to know how to build a tall chest without a bench.

With a little hard work and practice, you can build a big chest and upper body with just a set of dumbbells.

In this article, we'll show you how to do 7 effective dumbbell exercises without a bench. The best part is that it's easy dumbbell exercises to do at home or when training outdoors - no bench required!

Floor press with dumbbells

The floor press is often used to break binding points on the bench press. The movement of the floor press is like that of the bench press, but your elbows do not drop below the chest. Theoretically, you can lift more weight, which helps with the upper part of the bench press. Additionally, eliminating the bottom portion of a traditional bench press reduces triceps activation. So the floor press is better for chest activation.

How to do it

First, lie on the floor, face up. Make sure to bend your knees before doing this. It is very important that you do not lower the dumbbells to your chest before bending your knees. It would just be weird and probably hurt.

Then lower the dumbbells to your chest, gently. Lower them like you would lower a baby into a crib.

Then quickly push them back to full extension. Keep your elbows tucked in throughout the movement and don't let them wiggle.

Inverted dumbbell floor press

The reverse floor press is like the regular floor press, but your grip is reversed. Rotating your palms from an overhand grip to an overhand position increases stimulation to your upper chest or pectoral muscle fibers. To hit our upper pectoral muscles with a bench, we typically perform the incline bench press. But, since we don't have a bench, the inverted floor press is an effective alternative.

How to do

Now that you're a dumbbell floor press pro, it's time to reverse (and impress) with this advanced technique.

Here's how:

  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent.
  • Hold the dumbbells with an underhand grip (palms facing your head).
  • Lower the dumbbells to your chest, then push them back to full extension (arms straight).
  • Keep your elbows tucked in throughout the movement!

There you go, it's as if you were a human press!

Svend Press

The Svend press allows you to isolate the pectoral muscles (especially the upper chest) and perform a high volume chest workout. The Svend press is also used as an alternative to the bench press for people with a shoulder injury or shoulder pain. Unlike many other chest exercises, the Svend press puts less pressure on the shoulder. For this exercise, you will want to use a lighter weight.

Choosing too heavy a weight can shift the focus from your chest to your shoulders.

Exercise steps

Stand up straight with your core engaged and your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Lock your hands around the handle of the dumbbell. Grasp the plates with your thumb and middle finger. Be sure to press the dumbbell up and inward on the plates.

Hold the dumbbell between your chest muscles, keeping them close together and pinching the plates together. Press the dumbbell up keeping the plates in close contact with each other. Focus on contracting your pectoral muscles while pushing the dumbbell down. Continue pressing until your arms are fully extended.

Push-ups with dumbbells

Performing push-ups on dumbbells adds a bit more range of motion to a classic chest exercise. This increases the engagement of the pectoral muscles. It also strengthens the muscles around your shoulder joint. You will have a healthier shoulder joint all around. Obviously, the larger the dumbbell, the wider the range you will need to cover. The wider the beach, the more difficult it is. Start with the smallest dumbbells and work your way up.


It's an easy grip

Place the dumbbells slightly wider than shoulder width. Keeping your core tight and your shoulders stacked on the dumbbells, lower your chest to the floor. Pause briefly before pressing up.

Dumbbell T Push Ups

The Dumbbell T Push Up is a chest and core strengthening exercise which helps develop chest and core strength and stability. Essentially, it's the same as a regular dumbbell pushup, with the added twist of rotating your torso and raising the weight above your head at the end of the pushup.

This move helps activate the sides of your core as well as your rotator cuffs.

How to perform this exercise

1. Begin by placing the dumbbells slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

2. Lower your chest toward the floor while keeping your core tight and your shoulders stacked on the dumbbells. Pause briefly before pressing up.

3. Hold the dumbbell and raise one arm skyward while rotating your torso. Slowly return to the center before repeating on the opposite side. Keep your core as stable as possible during the rotation.

Chest flight standing up

The standing up chest volley with dumbbells is similar to a cable machine exercise . It's also a great alternative to the dumbbell chest fly and incline dumbbell bench press when you don't have a bench.

The upright chest fly focuses on building chest strength in an adduction motion (by moving your arms toward your body). It builds upper chest strength, as well as shoulder and leg strength. triceps .

How to perform

  1. Start in a standing position with your core engaged.
  2. Hold the dumbbells by your side with your palms facing forward. Keep each arm straight.
  3. Slightly bend your elbows then lift the dumbbells until they meet at chest level.
  4. Pause for a second before slowly lowering back to the starting position.

Dumbbell Sweaters

Dumbbell pullovers are a classic gym staple used to build your chest and lats. A bench is traditionally used, but a box, chair, or stability ball can also be used. The lower chest is highlighted in dumbbell sweaters, a difficult area to target.

How to do this exercise

  • Place your upper back, shoulder blades, and neck on a surface such as a chair or stability ball. It's kind of like the bridge position but your shoulder blades rest on the stability ball.
  • Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle so your body is parallel to the floor. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold the dumbbell at one end with both hands across your chest.
  • Keeping your arms slightly bent, lower the dumbbell behind your head.
  • Pause briefly before returning to the starting position.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you train your chest without a bench?

The chest press is a basic compound exercise that helps build muscle and stability in the pectoral muscles and shoulder muscles. Your chest muscles are primarily responsible for moving your arms up, down, and across the body. So any movement that mimics this action will work the chest muscles. A weight bench provides support for your back and helps create greater ranges of motion during chest exercises, but it's not essential equipment. You can perform chest exercises while lying on the floor, standing, or using other equipment such as a stability ball, box, chair, or foam roller.

How to do a bench press without a bench?

Simply put, you can't. The bench press, by its very nature, requires the use of a bench. Without a bench, it's just a press. So how do you perform a press? You can do this in several ways: 1. Perform a press while lying on the floor. Note that the range of motion is limited. Since your elbows cannot move under your chest, the strain on the chest is limited.

To combat this problem, you can try lying on a foam roller or a stability ball. Unlike a bench, stability balls and foam rollers do not provide full stability. Therefore, the movement will be more difficult because it requires more work from the stabilizing muscles. How should I stretch before a dumbbell chest workout?

Before you begin your chest workout, you'll want to spend some time warming up your shoulders and arms. Perform arm crossovers, arm circles, and knee presses for 30 seconds each, for a total of 2-3 rounds. If you lift heavy weights, do a few warm-up sets with lighter weights before moving on to your main sets.

Can the floor press replace the chest press with weights?

Although the floor press cannot replace the bench chest press, it is a good alternative. The main difference between these exercises is the range of motion of the shoulders. With the bench press, your elbows drop below your chest, giving you a greater range of motion, and therefore more tension in the chest muscles. Therefore, this exercise should be in every chest workout, with some caveats. If you have access to a bench, using the floor and the bench will have a synergistic effect. If you don't have a bench, perform the floor press along with other chest exercises like those discussed above.

What kind of dumbbells should I buy for home?

If you have a lot of space to train at home and money to spare, I suggest you invest in a full set of hex dumbbells . They are comfortable to use and do not roll all over the floor. However, most of us cannot justify buying a full set of dumbbells for our home gyms. The next best alternative is the adjustable dumbbells . Sure, they can be a little fiddly, but they give you a range of weight options without breaking the bank or taking up essential space around the house.

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