Pourquoi faire du Cross-training ? Top 10 des raisons à essayer ce sport ! | Charlie Tango Fitness

Why do cross training? Top 10 reasons to try this sport!

Ask a friend who does Crossfit why you should try it and you'll probably be held captive for an hour while he spits out acronyms about awesome WODs, girl workouts and why he really needs a better workout time. Frank. After all, the first rule of Crossfit is to always talk about Crossfit...

All jokes combined, talking about Crossfit with a Crossfitter can be a bit intimidating, even confusing, and leave you more confused than before you started your conversation. For now, forget everything you've heard and learn the top ten reasons why you need to try Crossfit.


No really, it's fun! Many people refer to Crossfit as "adult recreation". Who doesn't want or need daily recreation? ! Every day, the session is different, the movements are fun, impossible to get bored!

2. Community

In addition to having fun playing sports, you will meet passionate, exciting and interesting people. It's common to do a workout on Saturday, then hang out in the gym and fire up the barbecue, plan a ski trip, or assemble a team for the next obstacle course. You'll do more than sweat and swap recipes with these people, you'll develop new and fun friendships.

3. Results

Crossfit is a sport where progress is measurable. Most of us keep a journal either using a smartphone app or an old pen and paper, and either way we track our progress. Five months ago, a client of mine could only do two seated sit-ups, no squats, and had no idea what the Clean meant. This week, she's done 50 non-stop seated sit-ups, 50% squats, and can power clean with the best of them.

4. Surprise yourself

A big part of your great results will come from your ability to surprise yourself. Not only will you be doing things you didn't know you could do, but you'll finally be perfecting that move you've been working on with your trainer for months. After weeks of practicing shrugs, straightened hips, or pulled elbows up, you'll one day perform the perfect snatch, snatch, kipping, or deadlift and feel GREAT.

5. Lifestyle change

Being around all these people full of energy, it is difficult to resist the urge to give in to new lifestyle habits. Before you know it, you'll be swapping your snacks for something wholesome and better. Your weekends will be spent playing soccer games with your kids and doing some gymnastics. You will appreciate the fact that all your joints are in motion and you will look forward to the days of "mobility". Rather than meeting your friends for lunch, drinks, or ice cream, you'll meet at the gym and then go for a drink.

6. Cheaper than therapy

Have you ever had a bad day? Maybe you are angry, frustrated, upset or hurt. At that point, you may feel like drinking, crying, talking to someone...or heading to the box and leaving everything on the floor. Coming to the gym in a bad mood isn't ideal, but it happens to all of us. Nothing helps you solve your problems more than a little tete-a-tete with a barbell, then a crushing metcon alongside your new friends.

7. Improved your energy

We all know that sport, in any form, gives you more energy. Now imagine combining the energy we all get from working out with the feeling of surprising yourself, seeing results, and making new friends. It's like a triple dose of endorphins to feel good!

8- Your Coach

Yes, YOUR trainer. All Crossfit classes are led by a trainer who makes sure you are in good shape, makes changes, encourages you, maintains standards and sometimes gives you a "no" when he sees you doing something wrong or misstep your thrusters. Your coach will become an inspiration, a counselor, a friend, a nutrition consultant and your biggest cheerleader. Even if you move and have to join a new gym, you will still call your old trainer "My Trainer".

9. Try Crossfit: Do, Suffer Less

Who doesn't want to be less bad in life? You'll be able to complete everyday tasks with greater ease, prepare delicious and highly nutritious meals without thinking twice, and maybe even find a new adventurous side that will lead you to try new activities. All of this will make you more pleasant to live with, and generally speaking, you will suck less.

10. Your appearance will be more "nice" when naked

Pretty good side effect of Crossfit, right?

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