The stronger you are, the better. That's a simple fact in CrossFit.
The stronger you are at what you do, the easier it will be to accomplish that task. Whether it's lifting 200kg, doing a 10-minute calorie max on an Assault Bike, or doing a muscle-up.
What is strength in CrossFit?
Strength is the amount of force your muscles can create. Strength should not be confused with size. Size is definitely associated with strength, but this article focuses on increasing the amount of force your muscles can create and why it is important.
The obvious example of the usefulness of strength in CrossFit is weightlifting.
It is easy to see that an athlete has become stronger when he used to lift 180 kg and now he can lift 220 kg.
Now when that athlete has to lift 300 pounds for a metcon, he feels much lighter. Where we don't always pay attention to the force that helps us is on cardio machines.
There are four elements that make a person a good rower: technique, strength, body weight, and conditioning. Training in each of these areas will help you improve your pace and achieve faster times.
You can really observe the power of the rower by setting the monitor to Watts. This will directly show you the power you are creating. The higher the power, the faster your time will be.
In gymnastics, strength is also important.
There are different types of strength and in these last two examples we have touched on the concept of "absolute strength".
Absolute strength means that all that matters is the amount of force present, regardless of body weight.
In gymnastics, it is more about relative strength. Relative strength is the absolute strength of an athlete in relation to his own body weight, which is his relative strength.
When we improve an athlete's absolute strength and he keeps the same size, his relative strength increases.

Strength is important
It is important to understand that with powerlifting training we can increase both absolute strength and relative strength.
If you want to get better at push-ups, jumping jacks, or handstands, powerlifting training combined with accessory work will help.
The faster your hips move, the better your kip will be.
The more you can do weight training or bench press, the better your push-ups and handstands will be.

8 Week CrossFit Strength Program
Strength is involved in every aspect of CrossFit. Workout From Home offers an 8-week online CrossFit program designed to empower athletes to train strength the smart way.
Fully planned and thought out with the aim of sustainable training and not exhausting the system. Heavy training with compound movements and most of the volume coming from accessory movements will avoid dramatic fatigue of the central nervous system.
This leaves enough time to recover from previous training days and attack the next day at full speed.
Make strength a priority in your training. Your CrossFit and your ability to do work will only improve if you get stronger.