Running is an (almost) perfect exercise for (almost) everyone, young or old, big or small. The benefits of running are vast, and you can do it regardless of your schedule and physical needs. Whether you want to make running your main workout or need it to supplement your regular workout, there's always a way to reap the benefits.
And even if it's a little more complicated than it seems, running is not reserved for people who are already in good shape. People who weren't interested in improving their fitness before and those recovering from injuries can reap the benefits of running. Finally, it is a sport that can be practiced in all seasons!
The physical benefits of running
Let's start with the obvious things. Running is an aerobic exercise. It helps transport oxygen throughout the body more efficiently, improving cardiovascular health. In other words, it's good for your heart. Even just running for five minutes a day can be beneficial. Running can also have a positive impact on your immune system. Dedicated runners benefit from greater lung capacity.
By strengthening these systems, you can not only improve your physical health, but also prevent disease. Runners are less prone to heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes because exercise helps arteries stay flexible, which strengthens the heart and allows for healthy blood flow. Women can reduce their risk of breast cancer by adding running to their exercise routine.
Weight loss as a benefit of running
In the long run, running helps lower cholesterol levels and is one of the best exercises for burning calories. This results in weight loss. However, it is not easy to lose weight by running. In general, it is not easy to lose weight. Diet plays an important role, as do the types of running you do. If you want to use running as a weight loss method, running for speed and distance will help you achieve your goals. Intense anaerobic running and interval running can also be helpful for burning calories at an accelerated pace. Adding other exercises, such as swimming, yoga, and light weight training, can help you progress.
That said, we realize that if you're reading this, you're probably new to running. We are not going to overcharge you.
In short, yes, running can help you lose weight.
Prevent injuries
Runners tend to be lean, but not frail. Naturally, straining muscles, bones and joints can be painful and lead to injury. However, exercises, including running, are aimed at building strength and endurance. Yes, you take a risk of injury, but as long as you run safely, the pain you feel is that of the body getting stronger. In the long run, you're less likely to hurt yourself because you've spent all this time preparing.
In the case of running, you mainly strengthen your leg muscles, the quadriceps and the hamstrings. There are, of course, additional exercises to help strengthen the sensitive ankle muscles and firm the skin on the heel. If you are in good running shape, the joints in your hips, knees and feet are strengthened. For young runners, you increase bone mass; in older runners, you prevent the loss of this mass and reduce the likelihood of osteoarthritis.
Running after an injury
In the case of certain injuries - back, legs, feet - running can sometimes help the healing process. Of course, before putting on these running shoes, talk to your doctor first. Of course, your body needs downtime to heal. However, if your doctor allows it, go for a run. Running increases blood circulation to these areas, which aids the healing process. You'll probably be limited to light jogging, which is fine. It's a low-impact exercise that has a low risk of injury (or, in this case, relapse), but is still intense enough to get the blood pumping.
The Mental, Psychological and Social Benefits of Running
Running is an exercise you can start at any age and continue to do in one form or another as long as you can put one foot in front of the other. This is a good thing because other than finding one of Ra's al Ghul's Lazarus Pits, you won't be able to avoid aging. Running - or at least jogging - has been proposed to older adults not only for the physical and physiological benefits mentioned previously, but also for the mental benefits, which we discuss in detail in another article.
Running, as well as sports like tennis, are both cognitive and physical activities. In the elderly, it can help keep the mind sharp. Maintaining proper speed and form, preparing for and adapting to changes in terrain requires coordination between the mind and multiple parts of the body.
The benefits of running can be reaped by people of all ages.
People of all ages can be prone to anxiety and depression. Running offers a way to treat it. When muscles are properly exercised, your brain releases beneficial chemicals like serotonin and endorphins, which boost your mood. The focus you need for your run will distract you from your worries, and the physical exertion will allow your body to release appeased frustration.
Running can be a social experience.
Remember that bunch of old people jogging through the malls on Better Call Saul? It is very real. There are also running groups for the youngest.
Some races require you to maintain a "conversation pace", which is exactly what it sounds like: you run at a pace that allows you to have a normal conversation without running out of breath. Some choose to call friends or family during this time, but if you lack a social outlet, you can find groups to run with at any age or experience level.
Area stores, gyms, and yoga studios often have flyers for people interested in forming running groups. There are also apps you can use that are basically matchmaking services for running groups and running partners. You build a profile detailing your personality, fitness level, and running goals, and look for others with a similar profile. Some of these apps are also dating apps, which allow you to find someone who has a similar passion for running, giving you something you can immediately talk about, share, and work on dating ideas.
How should I run to experience the benefits of running?
As we said before, this article is aimed at a less experienced group, so we won't get too far ahead here. We're just going to go over a few basics.
Depending on your health and comfort level, you can easily do these errands with a partner or on your own.
Race form
We're not going to get too technical with that. Not here anyway. The short version is that you are born with the running form that best suits your body. Changing it at the trunk level demands a lot, even from the most experienced runners. However, there are small aspects of your run that you need to know about to streamline your run and make sure you're not wasting energy.
Although only certain muscles are used during your run, you will need your whole body to work in harmony to maintain good running form and perform at your best.
We'll start at the top.
When running, keep your chin up. While it's quite natural to keep your head down to check the terrain, you'll tire faster by keeping your chin down. It will be harder to keep your chin up when you are legitimately tired, so watch out for that. The easiest way is to keep your eyes and head focused in front of you. As long as your ears are in line with your shoulders, you're doing it right.
Speaking of your shoulders, maintain good posture throughout the run. Don't bend over. Pull your shoulders back if you have to. You should make an X with your body. If your right leg is forward, your right shoulder is back. If your left leg is forward, your left shoulder is back. When you are tired, your shoulders tighten towards your neck. You will expend more energy and have less to run. Be aware of this and keep your shoulders relaxed.
Your arms and hands play an important role in propelling you forward. Don't fuss - it wastes energy. Keep your arms at a 90 degree angle, elbows close to the sides, never crossing them across your chest. Keep your hands open. Closing hands wastes energy unnecessarily. As the race continues and becomes more taxing, your body may close your hands automatically. Keep your hands open.
We have already mentioned the importance of good posture for your shoulders. Do it for your back too. A straight line. Your back and core help you balance as you run. If you keep your core straight during your run, you won't lean too far forward or back. This is why core-based exercises (abs, sit-ups, etc.) should be part of a runner's warm-up and overall exercise program.
This one is admittedly difficult. If you want your back to be straight, you will need to bend slightly in your run with the hinge of your hips. Your torso should be held just in front of your hips. Leaning with the hinge allows for a more powerful stride.
Keep your knees aligned with the middle of your foot. The knees should also be directly in front of the hips and not turned inward. Your shins should form an angle of approximately 90 degrees when your foot hits the ground so that your joints - from the ankles to the hips - absorb impact evenly, increasing your running strength and decreasing your risk of injury . As a general rule, if you strike the ground with your heel, the angle is too large, and if you strike with the fire of your foot, your angle is too small.
Never run on your heels or toes. If you do it naturally, talk to a doctor about orthotics that can help change your gait. Running on your heels or toes can cause damage, especially when running. Try to hit the ground with the sole of your foot. On impact, don't lift your foot, but instead use the ball to push the ground away. This will prevent your stride from being too far in front of you and will propel you forward more easily.
A final word of caution
Regardless of the exercise, people love skipping their warm-ups or not giving them the necessary time. Your muscles need to be awake and relaxed during exercise. Tight muscles that are suddenly strained are much more likely to get injured. So be sure to check out our article on the best stretching exercises for runners before hitting the pavement.
And don't forget to have fun!