Pratiquer le CrossFit dans n'importe quelle salle de sport

Practice CrossFit in any gym

Despite what some CrossFitters may say, you don't need a gym or even a ton of equipment to reap the benefits of CrossFitters.

To prove it, we asked Nicholas Hoberman, Level 2 CrossFit coach and trainer, to design two WODs (workouts of the day) with nine core moves that can be done in any gym.

And the best: They can also be integrated into any program. Do them on separate days or run these WODs after your workouts as a brutal finish. There you go, it's CrossFit your way.


WHY: This 15-minute WOD can be your only workout of the day.

WEIGHT SELECTION: Perform box squats with a weight that you can do 10 easy reps for your first set. If you feel like it's heavy, put the bar on and split your next sets.

ABS, BACK, HIPS: The toe bar exercise is great for your core, upper back, and hip flexors.

Rowing increases your heart rate and burns calories.

Timing: This workout requires different equipment for each move, so it's best to save it for off-peak hours at the gym.


WHY: This WOD includes resistance training and gym moves and has higher rep ranges; once you've completed all the reps listed for an exercise, you're done.

BREAKDOWN: Divide exercises into smaller sets so you don't reach muscle failure. So if your max rep for pull-ups is 15, break the 30 reps into sets of 8-10. Manage your pace and don't be afraid to take breaks between sets.

RESTED DEVELOPMENT: Alternating between different muscle groups allows your muscles to rest and keep your heart rate elevated.

If you can do 40 non-stop push-ups without exhausting yourself, do it.



Perform as many sets as possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes.

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