Pratiquer le CrossFit quand on est en Surpoids | Charlie Tango Fitness

Practicing CrossFit when you are overweight


CrossFit can be described as a high-intensity sport where you have fun, while doing fast-paced exercises and workouts in the gym.

It's a serious sport, and its growing global popularity is testament to the fact that people are increasingly looking to CrossFit training methodologies to help them improve their health, get in shape, and lose weight.

CrossFit involves lifting heavy weights, but don't let that intimidate you. The goal of lifting weights is to make you stronger.

Not all CrossFit workouts are timed, some are not time-restricted, but their main goal is to help you get used to the element of lifting heavy weights.

To do this, they teach you the correct technique and establish how much weight you can safely move.

crossfit training


If you have been of the opinion that CrossFit is not for overweight people, you need to disprove that because CrossFit is for everyone. The good thing about CrossFit workouts is that they are flexible and can be adapted to individual fitness levels and abilities.

With the right workouts like those discussed below, CrossFit can take you from the unfitness zone to the industry fitness table.



If you're completely out of shape and just starting your CrossFit journey, this is the workout to choose. It's only 10 minutes long, but it's thorough and hits all the right spots.

As you are a beginner, it will not be surprising that your body expresses resistance to the endurance and effort required to complete the workout. You must focus on technique, and if at any point you feel like your form is slowly deteriorating, this is normal.

What you need to do is modify CrossFit exercises to avoid injury.

The workout consists of 5 assisted pull-ups, 5 push-ups, and 5 bodyweight squats. These exercises are performed in 10 minutes AMRAP, meaning as many rounds as possible.


This workout consists of 5 back squats, 3 deadlifts, and 5 overhead presses. This combination is great for overweight people because it helps them get used to lifting heavy weights. It also helps to blast fat.

In regular CrossFit sessions, these workouts are timed. But since they are aimed at helping you solve your weight problem, the timing is removed. Safety is the number one priority, which means you need to maintain your form properly.



It consists of 15 sit-ups and 15 lunges. It falls into the category of interval training and is ideal for developing your endurance. It will keep you motivated and working hard for longer.


It includes wall balls and burpees. It is done in descending repetitions. It is flexible and allows you to break it down further to give yourself more recovery time, especially if you are a complete beginner or are out of shape.

The final workout consists of a 400 meter run, 10 assisted pull-ups, and 20 American kettlebell movements. If you find the run difficult, you are not very fit and are not on the right track to build endurance and improve performance.

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