Quand dois-je prendre de la créatine ?

When should I take creatine?

Besides protein, creatine is also one of the most popular dietary supplements. Because it is said to promise the following effect:

More muscle, strength and anaerobic performance .

In muscle building, it is important to benefit from strength and mass gain. Another benefit of creatine known to sports science is faster recovery after intense training.

Creatine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body, primarily in skeletal muscle, and is made up of three different amino acids. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is responsible for releasing energy from cells. When energy is needed, ATP splits off from one of its phosphate groups and becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate). This releases energy that the muscles can use.

But when should an athlete take creatine?

Many people are probably wondering, should I take it before training for more strength during training or directly after training so that it is immediately absorbed by the exhausted body? Or should I take it before going to bed for better regeneration or after getting up to have immediate strength for the day?

Time is very important for nutrient absorption when you play sports. For example, for muscle building, it is best to take carbohydrates after getting up and after training. Lots of research and studies have been done, but for creatine, they haven't found the perfect time to take it. However, there are several options. Important: When taking a supplement, drink plenty of water - in this case 100-150ml of liquid per gram of creatine.

Option 1: Before training

Creatine gives more power, i.e. performance can be improved during short-duration, high-intensity training. Therefore, it should be taken 30 minutes before training.

Option 2: After training

After training, the muscles are exhausted and need nutrients. Therefore, creatine should be taken with carbohydrates and protein to maximize muscle maintenance.

Option 3: Anytime

Since creatine is good for the body, you can take it anytime as long as you consume the required daily amount. 2 to 5 grams per day are sufficient. It has health benefits for people of all ages, such as improved brain health and heart health or reduced bone mass loss.

Even on rest days, you can keep your creatine levels high. So, by taking creatine, you can prepare your muscles for the next workout.

So when is the best time to take creatine?

Listen to your body and experience it. Take creatine when it's most convenient for you. The amount is also important. For the first few days, a "loading phase" (lasting 5-7 days) can be useful, in which you take 5-7 grams to fill the creatine reserve a little faster. Especially if you are taking creatine for the first time. However, it is not mandatory, as it provides no benefit over long-term, low-dose intake.

It can be concluded that it is beneficial to take creatine before and after training. However, as described above, the ideal time to take creatine does not really exist.

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