Qu'est-ce que le Cross-training ? | Charlie Tango Fitness

What is Cross Training?

Everyone has heard of CrossFit. Your friends are talking about it on Facebook. Ads are posted on Instagram. Walk into any fitness store and you'll find a CrossFit clothing and footwear section.

While everyone has heard of CrossFit before and knows a little about the basics, the finer details are mostly unknown. Normally, you have to go to a CrossFit box and try a class to really begin to understand this sport.

Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. To help you decide before you buy the outfit and pay for a class, here's an overview of what Crossfit is, where it came from, and what it's all about:

The History of CrossFit

The idea originated way back in the late 60s and early 70s when Greg Glassman was doing gymnastics as a teenager. He realized that while he could be the strongest gymnast by simply using dumbbells and barbells, the same techniques would not allow him to be the best in other sports, such as cycling.

It was then that he began to develop a training technique for himself that would allow him to be a very strong athlete in whatever sport he played.

Glassman began applying this theory to others when he opened his own gym in Santa Cruz, California in 1995. His methods were extremely popular, not only with civilians but also with law enforcement.

Classes were actually so popular that they sold out quickly. This busy schedule gave rise to the idea of ​​doing group lessons. Not only could he make more money and help more people, but most people liked to train in groups.

In 2000, Glassman decided to bring together the idea of ​​group classes, the type of gym and the training method. He called it CrossFit. Within five years, CrossFit had 13 affiliates. By 2012, that number had grown to a staggering 3,400 affiliates worldwide.

Benefits of CrossFit

CrossFit has a number of benefits. The greatest benefit it offers is that it achieves the goal Glassman set out in the first place: to condition an individual to do just about anything.

This means that if you want to prepare your body for a tough competition, if you just want to mow the lawn without exhausting yourself, or if you want to look better in a bathing suit, CrossFit allows you to do it.

It uses functional exercises to improve the athlete's balance, strength and flexibility, as well as their posture and overall health.

Beyond that, CrossFit offers much more. Because there is such a variety of exercises and ways to combine them, it allows athletes to do something different every time they train.

Practitioners never get bored, get results very quickly, and don't suffer from the problem that occurs with many other types of exercises. There are also the benefits of losing weight very quickly, spending less time training and still getting great results, and the support and motivation of the rest of the CrossFit community.

CrossFit workouts

The idea behind every CrossFit workout is that it should be short and intense. There is no time to stop and think. There's barely enough time to breathe. The reason for this is that they are meant to mimic the intensity of competition.

As we mentioned before, every CrossFit workout is different. That's why we talk about WOD - every day a new workout.

A workout usually consists of several circuits where the trainers tell the participants that it is an AMRAP or maximum laps. For example, the coach may give a time limit of 5 minutes and tell athletes to first do 5 pushups, then 10 squats, and finally 5 deadlifts. This set of exercises should be performed as many times as possible within five minutes.

Alternatively, the coach can ask the participants to do 20 pull-ups as fast as possible. As the time each participant spends on an exercise is reduced, or the number of rounds is increased, over a period of weeks or months, the improvement is much more noticeable.

Many participants also keep a diary so that they can follow their progress.

The CrossFit box

CrossFit gyms are unlike any other. Due to the popularity of the sport, many multi-purpose gyms are starting to create sections dedicated entirely to CrossFit workouts. However, gyms dedicated to CrossFit are very open.

They have no fixed machines, apart from rowers, and they are covered with padded flooring and mats. Most equipment includes bars for pull-ups and other exercises, as well as jump ropes, gymnastic rings, barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands, boxes, and medicine balls.

CrossFit Clothing

For those trying CrossFit for the first time to see if they like it, any gym outfit will do just fine. Workout shorts or leggings and a tank top or t-shirt, along with a good pair of athletic shoes will serve you well. However, for those who really want to immerse themselves in the world of CrossFit, it may be a good idea to invest in more specialized equipment.

To start, a pair of training shoes with a flat sole is ideal - running shoes are not a good choice because the heel and sole are too cushioned. Most athletic shoe brands have a specialized CrossFit shoe that will work just fine.

It is also a good idea to invest in high socks. This will protect your shins during certain exercises, such as rope climbing, deadlifts, and box jumps. Some socks, specifically designed for CrossFit, are covered with grip pads to allow the foot to better grip the inside of the shoe when the individual runs, turns, jumps, etc.

Hand protection is also important. It can be as simple as gymnastic tape or a pair of practice gloves. It will help protect your hand from blisters and calluses that could keep you from working out for a few days.

You can also push the protection of your hands further than tape or gloves allow. There are thumb guards that allow CrossFit athletes to maintain full power and grip, while protecting against annoying blisters.

Finally, a good pair of leggings is probably the best option for pants. This allows the athlete to achieve full coverage, while having enormous potential for flexibility. Most muscles are covered and protected.

Sweat-wicking material helps keep you comfortable in hot and cold weather, and many have reflectors for nighttime exercise.

CrossFit Games

Due to its rapid popularity, it was decided to start organizing a competition. The first was in 2007. It's basically regional qualifiers where CrossFit athletes compete in surprise workouts. The top qualifiers then compete in the National Championship, which now even includes CrossFit athletes from overseas.

The Crossfit Games include a mix of exercises found in a typical CrossFit workout, plus a few surprise elements like pegboard climbs, softball throws, and open water swimming.

There are separate games for men and women, as well as mixed teams, competitions for teenagers and master groups. And all of these events, in every group, are sponsored by CrossFit Inc. and Reebok and take place at places like the StubHub Center and the Allianz Energy Center.

CrossFit is a great workout option for many people looking to improve their fitness in a variety of ways. To learn more about other training possibilities, please visit our blog.

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