WOD Cross-training : Programme de 10 jours pour devenir plus meilleur | Charlie Tango Fitness

WOD Cross-training: 10-day program to become more better

It's no secret that CrossFit is a demanding discipline. If you want to survive a grueling WOD, you'll need a big metabolic engine, plenty of power, and a solid foundation of core stability. But at some point, every athlete — CrossFit or otherwise — needs raw, limitless strength to lift serious weights over and over again.

For a high-caliber strength routine that will have you lifting in no time, we turned to one of the Workout From Home team coaches: Julien!

He designed this training program around two fundamental lifts: the squat and the strict push press. These classic moves are absolutely essential for any athlete because they strengthen your upper and lower body, as well as your core musculature.

"This program is intense and designed to shock the system, but it's very effective," says Julien.

Every workout has two essential components: A strength training session, designed around several sets of relatively low reps so you can lift progressively heavier loads, and a high-intensity conditioning session, designed to get your pace up. heart rate and increase your metabolic work capacity.

As always, warm up and increase your working weight before beginning the strength session of the workout.

In the CrossFit WOD style, weights (in kg) are recommended for each conditioning exercise, in brackets as follows: (83/56). The "Rx" weight, intended for well-trained athletes familiar with the exercises, is listed first, followed by "graduated" weights for less experienced athletes attempting these movements.

As always, it's good to work with a trainer or physical trainer who can help you perform each exercise with good form.

Instructions : Complete these five workouts over a week. Choose your two rest days according to your needs. Listen to your body. Generally, athletes start the program on Monday and take their day off on Wednesday (or Thursday) and Sunday.

You will repeat the workouts the second week, adding about 10 kg to the back squat and 5 kg to the push press for your strength work. "Ideally, you can continue it for a third five-day week," says Wells.

First day

Test: Establish your one-rep maximum for the back squat and push-press.

Strength: Back Squat

6 sets x 6 reps: Back squat at 70% of 1 rep max. Rest if necessary.

Packaging: "Jetliner Joe"
As many laps as possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes:

- 15 box jumps
- 12 toes-to-bar
- 9 pullups, kipping ok (scale: TRX or ring rows)

Rest for 5-10 minutes at the end of the conditioning portion.

Second day

Strength: Shoulder press

7 sets x 5 reps: strict push press at 75% of the squat, maximum of 1 rep. Rest if necessary.

Packaging: "Blaster Blues"

EMOM (every minute per minute) for 7 minutes, perform 6 thrusters ( 43/29 )

Then repeat the following 3-minute circuit through 4 rounds, for a total of 12 minutes:

- 1 minute: As many deadlifts as possible (43/29)
- 1 minute: As many hand realease push-ups as possible. Don't lift your toes or let your thighs touch the ground.
- 1 minute: As many hanging knees to elbows as possible

Rest for 5-10 minutes at the end of the conditioning portion.

Third day

Strength: Barbell Row
5 sets x 5 reps: Bentover barbell rows at 75% of max. Rest if necessary.

Packaging: "Hy Major Allen"

3 rounds: Perform as many repetitions as possible at each station in 1 minute; rest 1 minute after each round. Each round lasts 6 minutes, for a total of 18 minutes. Pay attention to your pace!

- Row for calories
- Weighted lunges while holding dumbbells (25 lbs/15 lbs)
- Sit-ups holding a PVC pipe behind the neck
- Dumbbell push press (25 lbs/15 lbs)
- Box jump (24"/20″)

Fourth day

Strength: The squat

8 rounds x 4 reps: Squat at 80% of 1-rep max back squat

Packaging: "Tiny Overdrive"

3 rounds, without interruption, of:
- 400 meter race
- 20 American kettlebell swings (53/35 lbs.)
- 10 pullups
- 5 burpees

Fifth day

Strength: Shoulder press

10 sets x 3 repetitions of shoulder press at 85% of your maximum in the back squat
Packaging: "Woodstock Lad"

Skipping Rope: Perform 300 single jumps (advanced athletes should do double jumps) Every minute: Pause, perform 3 deadlifts (Rx 102/70, but weigh weight as needed), and resume rope at skip.

***Time Cap: Stop at 10 minutes.

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