FAQ - frequently asked questions

How long does it take to be ready?

To have real progress and experience the benefits of our training, it is recommended to follow our sessions for at least 3 months. It is obvious that this figure is given as an indication because it depends above all on your objective and your current physical level.

How long does the program last?

The duration of our programs is unlimited. You can follow programs that will develop your endurance, your strength, or even both at the same time. We seek to develop sessions on as many disciplines as possible: in particular running, swimming, cycling...

Do I need material?

No. We have made sure to allow as many people as possible to have access to training and serious preparation without equipment.

I have a busy schedule, can I adapt my training to my constraints?

Yes. This is part of the advantages of our preparation. You can adapt the programs and sessions to your schedule. In addition, our sessions are for the most part, short and quick to set up.

How do I access the preparation?

You just have to go to the next step by clicking on one of the buttons on the page. Once you have entered your card information, you will receive a confirmation email which will indicate the link on which to click to access the program. Then, you will have immediate access to all the trainings and programs.

In what format are your books sold?

In order to reduce costs and allow you to have immediate access to the program, our guides are only in digital format.