5 Entraînements de Cross-training à la maison | Charlie Tango Fitness

5 Cross-training Workouts at Home

As a passionate and accomplished athlete, you absolutely hate missing a WOD. Some days, our schedules are just too busy to make it to the gym.

Whether you have a full-blown gym in your garage or just a pair of jump ropes, we've put together a list of WODs you can do virtually anywhere, without any equipment or gear.

Here is our list of 5 CrossFit WODs you can do at home.


1-mile Run

100 Push-ups

200 Air Squats

1-mile Run

Don't have a pull-up bar? The classic Hero WOD "Murph" has been reduced in reps, but also by removing the pull-up exercise. It's more of a steady sprint than a long effort.


10 Rounds for Time:

100m sprint

Walk 100m

When you're tired of weights and rope gymnastics moves, some high-intensity intervals will get your heart rate up.


20min AMRAP:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

A classic CrossFit WOD. Familiar and perfect for a home workout.



Choose 1 movement; Push-ups, Air Squats, or Burpees

Do 1 movement per minute, each new minute. Each minute add one more repetition.

Keep going until you can't chain anymore.


7 Rounds for Time:

10 Push-ups

10 Air Squats

Run 200m

Short and intense efforts with repetitions! This WOD will make you sweat quickly!

To finish

Whether you're stuck at home, traveling, or can't make it to the gym, this list gives you plenty of options. You can easily round out your CrossFit workout week with these at-home WODs, without worrying about missing a day of training.

Got equipment with you? No problem - check out our full equipment-free programs by clicking here.

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