AMRAP : Un outil puissant pour améliorer votre condition physique

AMRAP: A powerful tool to improve your physical condition

In this article, we’ll introduce you to AMRAP training in the context of CrossFit, and how it can transform your fitness routine by increasing your endurance and performance. AMRAP workouts involve completing as many rounds of a specific exercise as possible in a set amount of time. If you’re up for the challenge, check out the benefits and some examples of AMRAP workouts designed for experienced CrossFit practitioners.

Why be interested in AMRAPs?

AMRAPs (As Many Rounds As Possible) offer several benefits for those looking to improve their fitness, build muscle strength, and lose weight. In addition, these workouts provide a mental and physical challenge that encourages motivation and perseverance. Here are a few reasons why you should incorporate AMRAPs into your workout routine:
  • Improved fitness: By doing AMRAPs regularly, you can build muscular endurance and perform many movements efficiently without being affected by fatigue.
  • Muscle Strength Development: AMRAPs often involve movements that engage multiple muscles in the body, helping to improve overall strength.
  • Weight Loss: AMRAPs can be an effective way to burn calories and lose weight when combined with a healthy diet.
  • Mental and physical challenge: AMRAPs are an excellent way to challenge yourself mentally and physically to improve your performance.

Getting started with AMRAPs

Before you jump into an AMRAP workout , it’s important to warm up properly. If you’re new to CrossFit, it’s recommended to start with short AMRAPs and gradually increase to avoid overexertion.

Examples of AMRAPs for experienced CrossFit athletes

Here are some examples of AMRAPs for experienced CrossFit practitioners:

10 minute AMRAP:

  • 5 front squats,
  • 10 HSPU (handstand push-ups),
  • 15 chest pull-ups on the bar.

15 minute AMRAP:

  • 8 thrusters,
  • 12 burpees with jumping towards a target,
  • 24 double-unders (jump rope).

20 minute AMRAP:

  • Row for 50 calories,
  • Then do 15 power cleans,
  • 15 pull-ups,
  • And finish with 15 burpees.
These examples are intended for experienced CrossFit athletes. Be sure to adapt the exercises according to your level to avoid injury. By incorporating AMRAP workouts into your fitness routine, you can significantly improve your fitness, strengthen your muscles, and lose weight more effectively. AMRAPs also provide an excellent mental and physical challenge that can help you stay motivated and constantly improve. So don't hesitate to try this powerful training method to transform your routine and become the best version of yourself.
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